Robinson-Pelle reveals the big fight in the participants’ group chat

Robinson Pelle reveals the big fight in the participants group chat

Pelle Flood was a Robinson favorite for many back home in the cottages. When the majority of the participants planned to send him out, many sat in front of the television and hoped that Pelle would be allowed to stay.

Although a large part of the intrigue stayed on Robinson Island, Pelle can now reveal that there were also some conflicts between the participants in a group chat after the end of the program.

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Pelle and Zayera’s conflict in Robinson 2024

During the season, viewers got to see Pelle and Zayera Khan fight.

Friction began to arise in connection with an archery competition, where the prize was a video call home.

Zayera then said, even before the contest began, that she felt no need to call home and that she would give the prize to someone else if she won.

Part of the competition was that the person who hit the closest to the bullseye in each round got to choose another participant who got to leave the competition and sit on the bench. When it was Pelle who was the most reliable, he chose to poke Zayer out of the competition – which was the starting point for a big fight in the camp.

Nyheter24 has spoken to both Pelle and Zayera afterwards, and they seem to agree that they have nothing untold today. However, they are not friends.

– There is nothing untold between me and Zayera today and I wish her all the best in her future life, but beyond that I would say that our relationship is non-existent, Pelle told Nyheter24 at the time.

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Pelle Flood and Zayera Khan are not friends today. Photo: TV4

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Big fight in the group chat of the Robinson participants

Despite Pelle and Zayera burying the hatchet, it seems the Robinson gang continues to bicker. Pelle reveals that in a question and answer session on his Instagram.

One of Pelle’s followers writes that Pelle seems to dislike Robinson’s winner Olivia Lindegrensomething that Pelle quickly responds to.

“I have absolutely nothing against Olivia! But we haven’t heard since Robinson ended a year ago, so it’s not like we’re the tightest of friends either,” he replies.

Despite Pelle and Olivia not having an ongoing conflict, he reveals that they have actually raised their voices against each other in a Robinson chat.

“Then she scolded me in a group chat once because I wrote a yawn emoji in response to another participant cranking in the group chat, I thought that was a bit funny,” continues Pelle.

Photo: medges__ej/Instagram


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