Robinson-Karin got drunk before the competition – she needs to hear this

Robinson Karin got drunk before the competition she needs to

This text is a column with opinions that are the writer’s own and not Nyheter24’s.

It has been an intense few weeks in Robinson 2024 to say the least.

Before the merger, people really have reputations as wages and most are ready to do whatever it takes to stay.

Yes, an example of the whole thing was when Lars Koefoed straight out before an island council asked Zayera Khan how much she really wanted to stay on the island.

– Do you really want to be here?

– Yes…? Or what do you mean. It’s clear I want to be here?

– Yes, but how much, Lars wondered.

– A lot? But why do you ask?

– Yes, but I thought that you could otherwise give me your secret immunity….

So sure balla bacon that the worst you can get is a no. But it was almost impressive how low Lars allowed himself to sink to try to cling to the island. Like, “Maybe you’d like to give me your immunity?”.

Yes but… no. No I do not want to.

Someone else who has gone “from strength to strength” in his strange personality is Pål Schakonat who sneers after competitions, doesn’t care what the others in the camp say but instead cooks everyone’s food the way he wants. Which according to everyone tastes like monkey shit.

Pål Schakonat. Image source: TV4

If you poison the whole camp with snail soup (which he did) maybe you can be cautiously humble instead of burning like a steam locomotive.

During Monday’s episode, the entire gang got a nice surprise in the form of a long table with food. Everyone swooned over the food – but just enough so that you scan the situation in case you took more than anyone else. One who completely and utterly succeeded in that part was Pål. When he slammed a whole brie cheese said, among other things Ci and Pelle Flood more or less that he is an egotistical ace.

After seeing Easy company being treated to spaghetti and meat sauce in Band of brothers’ first episode, and then being forced to run several miles with packing, I absolutely suspected owls. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.

And very truly so appeared Anders Lundin up like the old man in the box with the announcement that the participants would compete.

And then we haven’t gotten to the absolute funniest/worst aspect yet.

Naturally, three large carafes of red wine were served with this meal.

Robinson 2024. Image source: TV4

And one person who didn’t spit in the glass – that was the ambulance driver Karin Nilsson. What I quickly realized when Karin’s second glass of wine began to affect my body is that she is the kind of person you want to sit next to at a wedding. While the dry balls sit and sip and talk about the fact that the sausage at IKEA has become a crown more expensive, one sits close to Karin and talks about sex, relationships, love, bad friends and other gossip.

Karin is the definition of the expression “damn fun at a party”.

Karin gulped down wine and laughingly tells us that she is a real party girl at home who loves to “have a glass”. And it was so damn refreshing. She shows that you can be a cool ambulance driver and responsible mother with giant biceps – but also love wine and be a flamboyant bastard?

Karin Nilsson drove on in the competition. Image source: TV4

Then when there was a competition, I thought, fuck you bitch – show them what you are good for. Draw a straw for us winelovers and show that we can compete with blindfolds, half a bottle of wine in our bodies and still get on.

And my bitch didn’t turn me down.

She really did fine and laughed afterwards that the wine made her a little more relaxed than she usually is.

