Robert Littell, a Shakespearean drama in Moscow

Robert Littell a Shakespearean drama in Moscow

Robert Littell, master of the spy novel, returns today with ‘The Plague on Both of Your Families’. The American writer explores this time the post-Soviet Russia of the early 90s and in a city of Moscow plagued by mafia rivalries.

He is a man whose upheavals in the world have always nourished his writings. The journalist he was for the American weekly Newsweek recounted the Cold War or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But since 1973, Robert Littell has put his pen to the service of a romantic adventure which has made him one of the great names in the spy novel, as with “The company, the great novel of the CIA” which retraces the history of the Cold War.

Espionage, but also Russian poetry and the character of Stalin no longer hold any secrets for him. In fact, believe his latest novel which takes us to post-Soviet Russia delivered to mafias of all kinds, the time of a hectic story, full of action, love and humor. A story with Shakespearean accents, with false airs of Romeo and Juliet between Moscow, Crimea and Siberia. Absolutely jubilant.

“The plague on both your families”, the new novel by Robert Littell was published by Flammarion editions.

Report : Amelie Beaucour met the British author Darryl Cunningham who publishes a biographical comic strip entitled “Putin the rise of a dictator” with Delcourt editions.
