On January 14, 2025, the German Economics Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (55, The Greens) has twice as many viewers as the second-placed German streamers NoWay (LoL) and Trymacs on Twitch. He is the surprise guest at the gaming streamer HandOfBlood.
What does Habeck do on Twitch? Habeck will be a guest on Twitch streamer HandOfBlood on the evening of January 14th. Habeck chats with the well-known gaming streamer in a relaxed atmosphere (via Twitch).
At the moment, around 8:50 p.m., HandOfBlood’s Twitch stream has 41,000 viewers. That’s twice as many as the largest German-speaking Twitch streamers in second and third place currently maintain.
Habeck comes into the Twitch stream as a special guest after about 5 hours
How was Habeck announced? HandOfBlood’s Steam was titled “Distract until 7:45 p.m., then big special guest!” HandOfBlood had already been streaming for about 5 hours when Habeck came into the picture and was wired up.
What are they two talking about? Topics of conversation include, among other things, the general mood on the Internet and on social media. The topic is, for example, Habeck’s turning away from the Twitter/X platform and his return to the short message service in order not to leave the field to “the right”.
But the conversation is also about how Habeck deals with the typical taunts among top politicians.
In the USA there have already been similar streams from left-wing US politicians such as AOC or Bernie Sanders, who sought proximity to well-known US streamers, especially during the US election campaign: Politician understands Twitch – 600,000 see how she assassinates, marvels, cheats
The news is created using the breaking process and is continually updated. We are planning on MeinMMO for January 15th. a content review of the stream about HandOfBlood and Habeck.