Robert Downey Jr. He was going to play a different character instead of Iron Man.

Robert Downey Jr He was going to play a different

Robert Downey Jr. He became one of the names that marked the Marvel universe with his Iron Man character. But the famous actor almost gave life to a different character.

One of the biggest contributors to this success in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has left its mark on the world of cinema in the last 15 years, is undoubtedly Robert Downey Jr. has been. We have seen that the famous actor is always at the forefront in Marvel movies, which gained great momentum with the success of the Iron Man movie he took part in. In the first place, Robert Downey Jr. He almost gave life to a different comic book character instead of Iron Man.

Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man will play another character

Jon Favreau, who is the architect of the Iron Man movie and has signed the Mandalorian series on both the MCU and the Star Wars side recently, made a very interesting statement. Favreau, who has achieved great success as an actor, producer and writer, announced that Robert Downey Jr. was considered for a very different character in the first place.

Having a nice interview with Kevin Feige on Marvel’s Youtube channel, Favreau said, “I remember you all met Robert Downey Jr. for Doctor Doom or another project. I think he came to take part in a project like ‘Fantastic Four’, so everyone knew who he was. knew.” said.

After signing to play the role of Tony Star, Favreau stated that everything else about the movie fell into place, “My life became much easier when he got the role because he understood the essence of the character very well. Then people started to participate in the movie one by one because it turned into something interesting.” made statements.

Feige, who we can call the boss of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in the interview Robert Downey Jr. expressed how important it is. Even though there were movies and projects that were unsuccessful in the MCU in the first place, Downey stated that they could always keep the brand alive thanks to its power. The Marvel boss handed over the rights to both names, saying, “I would have said to Robert, ‘We wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for you,’ so we wouldn’t have a studio without him. Or you’re Favreau.”
