Road safety and young people: initiatives in memory of Francesco Valdiserri with the Roma Tre University

Road safety and young people initiatives in memory of Francesco

(Finance) – On 19 January 2024 it will be staged at Palladium Theatre of the Roma Tre University “The right place. Francis and his world: how to transform death into life”: an evening event dedicated to road safety in memory of Francesco Valdiserri18 year old killed by a car, in 2022, on the night between 19 and 20 October.

The evening dedicated to Francesco is a special event, which goes beyond simply raising awareness on a delicate topic such as road safety and the need to explain to young people how devastating driving can be for one’s own life and that of others. drunk: Francesco’s parents, Paola Di Caro and Luca Valdiserri they wanted to give this event a different meaning, turning the tables and putting themselves in the shoes of the young people to whom this message must reach.

The title of the evening is the same – which takes up that of Stefano Cormino’s docufilm which will be screened before the mise en espace of “Guys, love life! Story of Fra and Lore” by Stefano Guarnieri and Luca Valdiserri directed by Caterina Rugghia and the concert by the Dienach Magic Orchestra – it’s not random.

Francesco Valdiserri, in fact, he wasn’t in the wrong place at the wrong time, as the rhetoric would have it, but he was exactly in the right place, his right place, that of an 18 year old boy who was going to catch the bus home. The other person who hit him was in the wrong place. A position that in an ideal world should always remain vacant, indefinitely.

Luca ValdiserriFrancesco’s father, describes the beginning of it all like this: “The initial push did not come from us. Francesco was killed between 19 and 20 October 2022, he would have turned 19 on 1 November. Origami Smilesthe band of which Francesco was the singer, together with other bands asked us if they could remember him that very day with an event at the community center The Garbatella Road, where Francesco had also played. Subsequently, Polisportiva Castello, which has a football field 20 meters from the site of the accident, told us that it would have liked to name the field after Francesco. Thus a series of initiatives were born, many from Francesco’s friends, which we began to follow and which we didn’t even think would take us this far”.

“The show at the Palladium theater was created to give Francesco’s friends the opportunity to perform and to put together many beautiful initiatives all born with the same objective: to offer kids in that age group an alternative to getting high, a way to enhance their lives. We want the show to be a hymn to life and beyond”, he adds Paola Di Caro.

It was the initiative that was embraced Roma Tre University with the Roma Tre Teatro Palladium Foundation. “With this evening in memory of Francesco Valdiserri, Roma Tre University celebrates his memory and, with the contribution of art, invites its academic community and citizens to a moment of reflection and awareness – declared the Rector of the Roma Tre University Massimiliano Fiorucci – The premature death of Francesco, in fact, is a warning that invites us to reflect not only on the fragility of life, but above all on the importance of promoting responsible behavior, even when having fun. It is for this reason that Roma Tre feels a strong responsibility in supporting initiatives like this: a tribute to a young spirit, but also a message of attention for a future in which similar tragedies can be avoided through awareness and joint action. Special thanks to Francesco’s parents for promoting this initiative. The courage and commitment demonstrated are an example of strength and resilience in such a difficult time and are a source of inspiration for all of us.”

During the show at the Palladium Theater of the Roma Tre University, the “24 frames per second” exhibition will also be launched, starting on January 20th, organized with the Controchiave Cultural Center: a competition for young people aged 16 to 23, who will have to make short films of 10 minutes which will then be examined and awarded by a jury chaired by Paolo Virzì, with the final award ceremony set for April 13th. This exhibition, like all the activities of Luca Valdiserri and Paola Di Caro, also has the aim of telling young people “get involved, do something, don’t waste your life”: out of love and respect for those who would still have wanted this life -and he should have- lived it, like Francesco.
