RN – LR alliance, live: after Ciotti’s coup, Pradié takes a radical position

RN LR alliance live after Ciottis coup Pradie takes

Former number 2 of the party, Aurélien Pradié slams the door of the Republicans. Mired in deep disagreements with Eric Ciotti, the one who is a candidate in the first constituency of the Lot affirms today that “LR is dead”.

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The essential

  • This Monday, the number 2 of the Republicans, Aurélien Pradié decided to leave the party, less than a week before the first round of the legislative elections. “The party to which I belonged is no longer capable of speaking to the French. Gaullism is not dead, but LR is dead” he declared in the columns of La Dépêche du Midi. In question, in particular, a consummate divorce with Eric Ciotti. The two men were in deep disagreement on long careers, a thorny subject of Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform.
  • The RN-LR alliance is progressing in the polls. The latest Elabe survey for La Tribune places the right-wing rally in the lead with 36% of voting intentions. Followed by the New Popular Front (27%), then the list of the presidential majority at 20%.
  • Eric Ciotti virulently attacked his LR colleagues who have broken with him since his alliance with the RN. Believing that they were “prisoners of this device which forced them to make alliances with the macronie”, Eric Ciotti affirmed this morning on BFMTV that they “hope for chaos to better bounce back afterwards”. “My hand will be extended” the day after the legislative elections to form a coalition with them, he nevertheless declares.


11:15 – How to finance the reduction in VAT on energy?

In the event of victory in the legislative elections, the National Rally announces a reduction in VAT on energy (petrol, gas, electricity, fuel oil), which would go from 20% to 5.5%. This measure would come into force in July 2024, indicated Marine Le Pen, guest of Telematin, Wednesday June 26. This measure is estimated at 12 billion euros over a full year and will be financed by the end of a tax loophole for shipowners. “It is perfectly natural that we attack tax loopholes, that is to say tax gifts, which are not justified,” argued Marine Le Pen.

10:45 – Éric Ciotti denounces “negotiations” of LR candidates with the majority

“There are 30 candidates who negotiated with the majority,” said Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans, guest of BFM TV Nice Côte d’Azur, Wednesday June 26. According to him, these negotiations took place “on the sly”. “I do not want an alliance with Mr. Macron,” assured the politician, who defends an alliance of the right with the National Rally of Jordan Bardella.

10:15 – 30 candidates, including Aurélien Pradié, not attached to LR

The former number 2 of the Republicans, Aurélien Pradié has indicated that he is leaving his party. The Dispatch, he explained that he had run in the legislative elections without being attached to the “LR chaired by Éric Ciotti”, but to the micro-party “Du Courage”. “We are 30 candidates including ten outgoing in France who are not attached to LR,” he detailed.

09:45 – “We will not lead by 49.3”, assures Julien Odoul

In the event of a victory by the National Rally in the legislative elections: “We will not govern by 49.3, we will respect parliamentary representation,” affirmed Julien Odoul, outgoing deputy of Yonne. He thus assured that the party would not resort to this article which allows forcing through a government bill, indicates franceinfo.

09:06 – “LR is dead”, party number 2 Aurélien Pradié slams the door

Aurélien Pradié, number 2 of the Republicans, announces that he is leaving his long-standing party a few days before the first round of the Legislative elections. “I have regained my freedom and this is not a trivial sign. Because LR is in an inextricable situation. Gaullism is not dead, it is more alive than ever but LR is dead. I say it with pain personal because loyalty is one of my cardinal values ​​But it is important that I regain my freedom The party to which I belonged is no longer capable of speaking to the French” he regrets in the columns of La Dépêche du Midi. , this Wednesday, June 26.

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Eric Ciotti caused an earthquake in his party by calling for an alliance with the National Rally for the legislative elections, the first round of which will take place on June 30. “All outgoing Republican deputies who wish not to have an opponent from the RN may not have a competitor,” he declared. He thus hopes to guarantee his political family “to have the same number of seats” in the National Assembly. It had 61 before the dissolution. “We need an alliance, while remaining ourselves (…) with the National Rally and with its candidates,” assured the man who had nevertheless declared in the past that he would never associate with Marine Le Pen.

Jordan Bardella, for his part, confirmed this agreement for “several dozen” LR deputies who are then “invested” or “supported” by his party. The two politicians even began to appear together during certain campaign interventions.

On the Republican side, Eric Ciotti is abandoned on all sides. Those who are opposed to the alliance have tried twice to oust the LR leader but the judicial court invalidated their decision. A real split has then been created among the Republicans, torn between Macronie, the RN and their desire for independence.

In the middle of the campaign, Eric Ciotti is also the target of an investigation for “embezzlement of public funds” during the 2022 legislative campaign. He could also be ordered to pay a heavy fine due to the non-respected parity regarding the 62 candidates of the RN-LR alliance. Indeed, within the gathering of the right, also nicknamed the “friends of Eric Ciotti”, there are 5 times more men than women. The tolerated margin of difference is 2%. Following his alliance with the RN, the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes assured that he had received death threats.

Who are the LR or RN candidates in your constituency?

The party of Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen has entered into a very prosaic agreement with Eric Ciotti: it is an electoral alliance aimed at making way for LR candidates in constituencies where there will be no candidate RN. The far right therefore officially supports LR candidates in at least 62 constituencies. Here on this map is where they are located.

Each constituency will therefore only present either an LR candidate who has accepted the agreement, or an RN candidate. It is agreed between the two supporters of the alliance that the deputies will be allied with the National Assembly to form a bloc when it is necessary to commit to vote of confidence in a far-right government. Note that this alliance will considerably lose its relevance if this union does not manage to obtain a relative majority because the two allied groups will then be in opposition and there is no guarantee that they will oppose the government in the same way nor on the same subjects.
