The development is “terrible” and is going in the wrong direction. The government must act immediately.
That’s what Social Democrats party leader Magdalena Andersson says when she talks about youth crime in her Almedalstal.
– We risk heading towards the most brutal summer in a long time, she says.
Andersson makes her first speech in Visby as opposition leader and she began by criticizing the government for dismantling climate and environmental policy.
– It risks making Swedish nature unrecognizable and driving investments and jobs out of the country, she says.
She then went on to talk about escalating violence in Sweden, where many young people are being recruited into criminal gangs.
– In the middle of the summer that risks becoming one of the most brutal in modern times.
The weapons must be removed from the streets, and in that context Andersson repeated the proposal for a weapons amnesty supplemented by a tip.
– It won’t solve the whole problem, but it can be done quickly. And every weapon that disappears is one less weapon.