The 21 agents in Valorant each have different roles that they perform. One agent who doesn’t fit in anywhere and doesn’t get much attention from the players is Yoru. Even after 3 changes he could not get better and has remained in his condition for a year.
Who is Yoru? Valorant has four categories for its Agents: Duelist, Initiator, Tactician, and Guardian. Yoru belongs to the duelist class and is arguably the worst agent in the game.
In early 2021, Yoru was added to the game and was a problem child in Valorant from the start. It has been adjusted a total of 3 times since its release, and to this day its status has not improved.
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Despite the changes, Yoru remains at the bottom
How bad is Yoru? Yoru hardly gets any attention from both the pros and the normal player base. During the Valorant Champions Tour, Yoru had a 0% pick rate on most maps. And even the normal players ignore him. In ranked mode, he has a pick rate of 1.8%.
Since its release, Riot has attempted to customize it 3 times. That was shortly after its release in patch 2.06. A full rework was attempted in patch 4.04, and he was buffed again in patch 5.01. None of that worked, and he stuck to his underground stats.
Riot’s rescue attempts were successful with other agents such as Viper, and it is still at the top of tier lists to this day, as Mobalytics (as of May 30, 2023) shows.
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Where is the problem? According to Mobalytics, 3 of the 6 Duelists are S-Tier Agents. So much better than Yoru. The remaining two are still B tier.
Yoru is also ranked as the most difficult duelist. Accordingly, he needs the most skill. It’s more worth picking the other duelists as they are statistically more successful and at the same time easier to play.
A year has passed since his rework. Whether Riot will try to adapt it again is still unclear, but it seems that it has been forgotten.
Another weird situation in Valorant happened when a streamer got banned by the new anti-cheat tool – and that’s at Riot HQ.