Rio-Paris flight crash: a trial for what?

Rio Paris flight crash a trial for what

On June 1, 2009, an Air France Airbus A330 crashed at sea. Flight AF 447 was to connect Rio to Paris. 216 passengers and 12 crew members were on board, none survived. Since October 10, thirteen years after the events, the Rio-Paris flight trial has been held before the Paris Criminal Court. Marine de La Moissonnière, journalist in the France service of RFI, follows the hearings, she tells.

In this episode of News cookies, Marina of La Moissonniere explains why this trial takes place so long after the tragedy. She says the hearings are extremely technical, which sometimes makes it difficult for journalists to sum up six or seven hours of radio debate: “ You have to go to the essentials and it is sometimes difficult to understand the jargon used by the representatives of Air France and Airbus “. Very few media are present at the hearings.

A little over 400 people have filed civil suits in this trial, they obviously want to understand why their loved ones disappeared, but also to know if they realized what was happening during the minutes preceding the accident. ” The civil parties had never had access to the seals of the black boxes and this was the first time that they heard their contents “.

During their interrogations, the company Air France and the manufacturer Airbus again denied any responsibility in this tragedy and the reaction of the pilots remains at the center of the debates. In criminal terms, the two companies risk a fine of 225,000 euros, a derisory sum in view of what they have already spent in thirteen years of proceedings. (This sum will be used to compensate the families of victims, as part of another procedure.) In the event of a conviction, the French national company and the European manufacturer risk a lot in terms of image. The trial is due to end on December 8, but the court decision is not expected for several months.

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