Only twenty-four after the appointment of Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo as Prime Minister, the composition of the new Burkinabè government was announced on Sunday December 8. With 24 members, it is marked by the arrival of several new personalities in key ministries but also by the departure of the former trade unionist Bassolma Bazié and Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly.
2 mins
Announced on Sunday December 8, the government of new Burkinabè Prime Minister Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo is made up of 24 members.
The new team is first marked by the entry of Brigadier General Célestin Simporé, until now Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, who becomes Minister of Defense with the rank of Minister of State. He replaces Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly in this position.
If he retains Territorial Administration, magistrate Emile Zerbo also rises in the protocol order, just like Commander Ismael Sombié in Agriculture, since the two portfolios are also elevated to the rank of Ministry of Agriculture. ‘State.
No changes to Justice, Foreign Affairs, Security and the Economy
On the other hand, the former secretary general of the CGT-B, Bassolma Bazié, cedes her chair in the Civil Service to the former secretary general of the government, Mathias Traoré.
Until now at the head of the Ministry of Humanitarian Action, Nandy Somé-Diallo has suffered the same fate and leaves his place to Commander Passowendé Pélagie Kabré Kaboré. His replacement comes against the backdrop of the ongoing trial over the misappropriation of a sum of 3 billion FCFA (around 4 and a half million euros) intended for the care of internally displaced persons.
From director of communications for the Presidency of Faso, Gilbert Ouedraogo becomes Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism and spokesperson for the government.
No changes are to be reported in Justice, Foreign Affairs, Security, and the Economy where the existing ministers are kept in their posts.
Also readBurkina Faso: the head of the junta, Ibrahim Traoré, dissolves the government