Traffic in a roundabout responds to very specific rules, but one of them escapes too many motorists.
Who has never grumbled behind the wheel of their car crossing a roundabout? Admit that certain behaviors, let’s say somewhat anarchic, can quickly raise the least patient motorists in the towers. The roundabouts were however created to make the circulation at best fluid at intersections. They meet specific rules that each driver teaches driving school. Slow down before arriving at the yield, getting involved at the right time, using the indicators wisely and choosing the right track where to circulate are all good practices to adopt when taking a roundabout.
If each of these recommendations is important, that of knowing in which file to engage is essential to prevent the crossroads from turning into real chaos. The roundabouts, in which vehicles circulate in the opposite direction of the needles of a watch, generally include two ways.
The rule to follow is rather simple. When arriving on a roundabout, the motorist must take the right line, the one most outside, if he plans to take the first outing or continue straight. If he has to travel more than half of the crossroads, to follow a direction on the left or make a U-turn, then the use is to fit on the left lane, inside. He will have to change the line by taking his precautions just before leaving the roundabout. Easy ? Yes but know, however, that there is a very little known exception …

At no time, the highway code stipulates that it is compulsory to fit into the left path of a roundabout. Quite simply because a user may very well not know in advance the exit he must take when tackling a roundabout. In this case he must remain in the right line to be ready to go out at any time, even if he finally performs a complete turn.
As few motorists know this peculiarity, this undecided driver will potentially wipe a rain of horns. But no risk of being verbalized by the police with which he will have to prove his good faith. The use of the horn when it is not an absolute necessity is however liable to a fine of 35 euros. A good hearing …