Ridley Scott’s new 250-minute war film has to compete with a forgotten epic that set a record with 15,000 extras (!) at a battle

Ridley Scotts new 250 minute war film has to compete with

Anyone who likes film battles will feel right at home in several parts of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. However, the massive armies of the fantasy trilogy could only be created thanks to a lot of CGI. About 30 years earlier, the now almost forgotten historical film Waterloo did the same thing without effects: 15,000 extras faced each other in the battle scenes. That is the hurdle that Ridley Scott’s spectacle Napoleon will soon have to overcome.

On Amazon: Even Ridley Scott will never replicate the Waterloo bombast

Waterloo was released in 1970 and, as the name suggests, revolves around Napoleon Bonaparte’s (Rod Steiger’s) Battle of Waterloo. The Italian-Soviet film also sheds light on the events between the Battle of Leipzig and Napoleon’s exile led to his renewed defeat.

Columbia Pictures


As Collider writes, Waterloo set a record with its number of costumed extras. In addition to the enormous mass of actors 17,000 real Soviet soldiers were also assigned to the production, who took care of building the epic sets.

Unfortunately, the gigantic effort turned into a disaster at the box office. According to VICE, the failure even caused master director Stanley Kubrick’s planned Napoleon film to fail.

Podcast: The 5 most exciting films in October on Netflix, Amazon and Co.

Still no idea which movie you should watch tonight? We introduce you to the most promising streaming films in October:

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Whether on Netflix, Amazon, Paramount+ or Disney+: the in-house productions of streaming films can be seen this month. There’s a lot of scary entertainment in the horror fall, but also some sci-fi and a highly acclaimed thriller.

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