Rickard Andersson inside the school – before the deed

Rickard Andersson inside the school before the deed

Updated 06.43 | Published 06.03



Rickard Andersson was at the Risbergska school in Örebro two weeks before the mass murder.

It states a witness to Express.

At the time he must have worn on a guitar -like object.

The films show – shot 45 shots in seven minutes and 56 seconds


A witness saw Rickard Andersson at the Risbergska school in Örebro two weeks before the mass murder, according to Expressen’s tasks.

According to the newspaper’s information, information is also included in the police investigation.

The witness states that Rickard Andersson wore on a guitar-like object, that he was in the D-corridor at school and that he looked into at least one classroom.


Full screen from an album online.

The witness must have reacted to the fact that it looked like he stored something other than a guitar in the case, Expressen writes.

The police have not confirmed the testimony.

“If so, then it is obviously interesting,” says Evelina Åström, spokesperson at the police.

Unknown until now

Until now, it has been unknown if he was at school in the near future before the act happened.

In connection with the mass murder, he also carried on a guitar -like object where he hid weapons, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

He should then have changed to green military -like clothing inside a toilet in corridor BC And then went out and started shooting.

Over 50 shots were fired at school.

Eleven people died, with Rickard Andersson included, and six people were injured in the massacre.

It is still unclear what his motive was.
