Richianny Ratovo, young visual artist, exhibits for the first time on her Big Island

Richianny Ratovo young visual artist exhibits for the first time

In Madagascar, spotlight on a promising artist. Richianny Ratovo, 27, won the Paritana contemporary art prize last year. Back from a four-month residency at the Cité des Arts in Paris, she is exhibiting solo for the first time on her Big Island. Painter, engraver, poet, performer, the multidisciplinary artist draws the public into her universe tinged with emotions, colors, softness and words. “Here begins happiness”, is the name of the exhibition, is an ode to life to discover from today (Tuesday 5) until May 7 at the French Institute of Madagascar.

with our correspondent in Antananarivo, Sarah Tetaud

tomboka hasambarana », in French « Happiness begins here », presents the intimate journey of an artist who preferred life to survival. At the origin of this saving creation, the loss of a loved one.

For me, usefulness was really therapeutic », explains Richianny Ratovo.

Watching for invisible signs, rejoicing in simple pleasures, tracking down those little things that embellish everyday life, Richianny Ratovo has made it his quest.

These are things that I encounter in the street, that I bring back to my imaginary world, little moments of parenthesis that we take as escapes, and that I reconstitute, to remind myself of each time things go wrong. »

Golden tears, laughing children, thatched roofs of the Hauts-Plateaux, the artist offers us a dive into his subtle, sensitive and intriguing universe.

I use pyrography combined with paint to bring back into this imaginary world bright, melancholy colors that always bring life back to life and look like me. The pyrography technique is a technique that consists of burning a support. I particularly use zebu leather and cork. The 2nd technique is the engraving carried out by a tool called Dremel. It is a small machine which emits vibrations and which makes it possible to dig the support. »

A leather engraving, like a scar to cherish. “Here begins happiness” is an invitation to introspection, a journey to the heart of one’s emotions, an experience of resilience.
