Rice cakes: interesting appetite suppressant or not?

Rice cakes interesting appetite suppressant or not

They have a dietary reputation reinforced by misleading marketing labels. Beneath its appearance as a nutritionally correct food, the rice cake is not as light as one might think. Explanations with Florence Guinfolleau, dietitian nutritionist.

In supermarkets, they are enthroned in the diet shelves. The puffed rice cakes are indeed presented as particularly interesting foods when you want to keep the line. It often happens that they act as an appetite suppressant during a small hollow. At least that’s what the manufacturers want us to believe through clever labeling.

The problem is that these products have absolutely nothing of interest from a nutritional point of view. “This reputation is totally usurped. These pancakes are processed products from the food industry. They contain refined rice to obtain this crunchy texture”, says Florence Guinfolleau, dietitian nutritionist in Niort.

They promote food cravings…

However, all the studies on nutrition do not stop insisting regularly on the harmful effects of processed products for health. But that’s not all. These pancakes also have a high glycemic index because of the rice that composes them. Which means that their consumption suddenly raises the sugar level in the blood. And these peaks in blood sugar, will in the long term solicit the pancreas. And if you ask him too much, he gets tired. And this fatigue can lead to overweight, risks of Type 2 diabetes. In other words, all the known deleterious effects of white sugar: “ This hyperglycemia will lead to hypoglycemia. The sugar shoots up, then drops just as sharply instead of streaming into the blood as it ideally should. This drop causes a craving, so we will be tempted by a 2e pancake (or something else sweet) and we enter a vicious circle”, warns the expert.

And contain more calories than in white bread

In terms of calorie intake, it’s not better! 100 g of this product provides an average of 380 calories, which is more than white bread (265 calories)! In short, a food to avoid. In case of a little peckish, opt instead for a fruit, oilseed or dairywhich will act on satiety with much more efficiency and without damage to your health.
