revise with the first fallen subjects, the annals and the probable subjects

revise with the first fallen subjects the annals and the

FRENCH PATENT SUBJECT. This Thursday, patent candidates will work on their first written test, that of French. Help yourself with probable subjects, subjects of the French patent already fallen abroad and annals and corrected from last year for your last training sessions!

[Mis à jour le 29 juin 2022 à 14h43] Whether for the general and technological series, the French patent 2022 test takes place Thursday, June 30 at 9 a.m., opening the DNB ball in France. The exam lasts three hours in all (it is the longest of the tests of the patent) but spreads out from 9h to 12h15 since a break divides it in two. On the menu: a dictation, but also a “grammar and linguistic skills – Comprehension and interpretation skills” part and a writing part. In the latter, candidates can opt for the subject of imagination or for the subject of reflection.

If you have revised the program as a whole, you can use your last minute revisions to take an interest in the predictions of probable subjects of the French patent teachers (for the general series); to subjects of the 2022 patent have already fallen abroad ; or even to annals of general series patent subject of last year, with a correction. All these elements can serve as a basis for a final, more concrete training session!

To begin with, it remains necessary to revise the entire French program of the patent. That being said, according to the predictions of teachers consulted by RTL in partnership with the specialized site Digischool, the probable subjects of the French patent (general series) are:

  • scientific progress and dreams
  • the chapter “Acting on the world (acting in the city: individual and power)”
  • the chapter “Living in society, participating in society (exposing the shortcomings of society)”.
  • freedom of speech

Third-grade students in the general series who reside in North America took their tests on June 1 and 2, 2022. For the first part of the French test, they had an imposed subject. For the second part, the subject of imagination, they had two subjects to choose from.

♦ Part 1: French dictation and text comprehension exercise

It was a dictation from the extract from “Prince travesti”, act I, scene V, by Marivaux, published in 1724. They also had to work on the extract from act I, scene XI and XII of the same text, with an image of the act, taken from a staging by Daniel Mesguisch (2016). From this work, the college students made a dictation, which could earn up to 10 points. Then followed a series of comprehension and interpretation skills questions on 32 points, while the last exercise, that of grammar and linguistic skills, was evaluated on 18 points.

♦ Part 2: the writing exercise

Evaluated on 40 points, it was a question of being imaginative while being based on the same corpus as that of the first part. This editorial part could take the form of a subject of imagination or a subject of reflection.

  • Subject of imagination (choice 1) : At the end of scene XII, Harlequin enters the scene. Questioned by Frédéric, he tells him about the life of his master Lélio. Write the dialogue between the two characters, focusing on showing who Lélio really is. You will respect the codes of the theatrical genre.
  • Subject of reflection (choice 2) : To be appreciated by others, do you think it is important to keep a part of mystery like the character of Lélio? You will answer this question with a reasoned development based on the works studied in class, your readings and your personal culture.

For 3rd graders residing in the countries of group 1 and therefore having passed the 2022 patent tests in centers abroad, these took place on June 14 and 15.

♦ Part 1: French dictation and text comprehension exercise

It was a dictation (on 10 points) of an extract from “Terre des hommes” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a collection of autobiographical essays published in 1939. The part “Grammar and linguistic skills, comprehension and interpretation skills” (marked out of 50 points) related to “Night Flight”, by Antoine de Saint Exupéry (1931), as well as the oil on canvas “The Fall of Icarus”, by Jacob Peter Gowy (1636-1637).

♦ Part 2: the writing exercise

For this subject, scored out of 40 points, it was necessary to choose between a subject of imagination and a subject of reflection.

  • Subject of imagination (choice 1) : “The storm, below him, formed another world three thousand meters thick, traversed by gusts, waterspouts, lightning […]” Fabien and his radio operator eventually find themselves caught inside the storm. You will tell this experience from Fabien’s point of view. You will take care to take into account his sensitive and poetic way of perceiving it. You will insist on the emotions felt.
  • Subject of reflection (choice 2) : Do technological advances still allow humans to escape?
    You will answer this question in a reasoned and organized development based on your experience, your reading, your personal culture and the knowledge acquired in all disciplines.

Last year, the French patent test took place from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., then from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. In connection with the subject of the 2022 French patent, last year’s full DNB French subject (general series) can be accessed for free below following its formalization to the general public by the Ministry of Education, thanks to our partnership with Studyrama:

At the patent, the value of each test is not calculated on the basis of a coefficient, but with a counting of points. As a reminder, you can obtain a maximum of 800 points during the patent. You need a minimum of 400 points out of 800 to pass. Then, when you collect more points, you can get mentions: you need at least 480 for the mention fairly well, at least 560 for the mention well, and 640 for the mention very well. The French test can pay up to 100 dots, it is therefore very important.

Here is the French DNB dictation of the previous edition of the DNB (general series) sent by our partners from Figaro Student. This is worth 10 points and the students had 10 minutes to complete it. It was made clear to them that the narrator was a man. The text is extract from “Memoirs from beyond the grave” by François-René Chateaubriand (1848-1850).

After each exam, our partner Studyrama offers an answer key to outline the answers to be provided and the references to be included in its copy. Find below last year’s DNB French answer key (general series), produced by teachers :

The French test is one of the four written tests of the college diploma, along with that of history-geography, mathematics and science. As usual, the letters test consisted of three parts: the first, assessed on 40 points, is based on a literary text sometimes accompanied by an image and consists of answering a series of questions on grammar, comprehension of language and interpretation. The order of the questions is not insignificant, the first are rather short and address specific grammatical points while the following call for more developed and written answers based on quotations from the extract of the text provided to be studied. Finally, the candidate must also complete a short rewriting exercise.

The next twenty minutes are dedicated to dictation, scored out of 10 points, of approximately 600 characters for students in the general series and 400 characters for the professional series. After a short break of fifteen minutes, the students find their copy for the last part of the test: writing on a subject of invention or reflection of their choice, and on which the last 50 points are played.

The 2022 patent results fall in the first half of July. If the dates of publication of the results vary according to the academies, one thing is certain: you will know your results for the French test as well as for all the other tests of the patent 2022 at the latest July 12, 2022. And after the results, it’s time to celebrate the students who obtained the best marks! A republican patent graduation ceremony is organized at each start of the school year for the winners in their college. The academies, in connection with the educational establishments and the elected representatives of the territory – mayors, departmental councillors, etc. – organize each year, an official presentation of the diplomas obtained the previous year. According to the official website of National Education, this ceremony “brings together the educational community and elected officials around the students who complete their common school career”. Its usefulness is to “state the essential role of the school in the Republic and to congratulate the pupils who have obtained their first diploma”. National Education specifies that this makes it possible to erect “models of success”.

Pupils from mainland France have three hours to prove themselves in the written French test. It consists first of a part “grammar and linguistic skills – comprehension and skills of interpretation and dictation”, from 9 am to 10.30 am. It is a question here of realizing the explanation of an extract of literary text and exercises of grammar and rewriting. After a short break, follows a second part dedicated to writing, from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
