Revenue Agency suffers attack from Russian gang LockBit

Russian hackers you target Killnet

(Finance) – The Revenue Agency hit by a hacker attack that he stole from them 78 giga bytes of data. He confirms it Swascanthe group’s cybersecurity company Tinextawhich confirms the attack by the “Russian LockBit ransomware gang”.

It would have been LockBit to publish on the dark web the news of having stolen data from the Revenue Agency, launching a five day ultimatum for the payment of the ransom and the return of documents (scans, financial reports, contracts) and announcing that the sample screenshots of the stolen data will soon arrive. Otherwise, all the stolen documents will be published.

It is the confirmation of the sad record earned by Lockbitwhich in the last quarter became by far the most active cybergang in the world in ransomware activities, with over 200 attacks carried out between April and June “, says Pierguido Iezzi, CEO of Swascan, explaining “ransomware continues to be the main weapon of Criminal Hackers and, consequently, the main danger to public and private companies”. In the second quarter there was a 30% increase in hacker attacks and the PA is among the most targeted subjects with 6% of attacks.

Investigations are currently underway by the Police post and gods IT technicians of the Revenue Agencywho also commissioned the Sogei to verify whether the agency was actually the victim of a hacker attack.
