Revelation: the new psychological thriller of the director of the “Last train for Bussan” on Netflix

Revelation the new psychological thriller of the director of the

“Revelation” is a Korean psychological thriller directed by Yeon Sang-Ho and Choi Gyu-Seok. This film has been available on Netflix since March 21, 2025.

Revelation is a thriller Korean psychological made exclusively for the Netflix platform. Among the great Korean filmmakers, we find in particular Yeon Sang-Ho, famous for his terrifying Last train for Busan (2016) and its suite, Peninsula (2020). The director is back with Revelation, produced in collaboration with the screenwriter Choi Gyu-Seok to whom we owe the series Hellboundalso available on Netflix.

After having explored each on their side of the fantastic and nightmarish universes, Choi Gyu-Seok and Yeon Sang-Ho are now attacking very real themes such as revenge, justice and its relations with the law. The film Revelation is available in streaming On the Netflix streaming platform since March 21, 2025.

What is the intrigue of Revelation ?

Sung Mi-chan is the pastor of a small provincial town, plagued by the disappearance of his son. One day, however, Sung Mi-chan is affected by a divine intervention which gives him the name of the culprit. For the pastor, then begins a frantic race, motivated by a thirst for absolute revenge. In parallel, the detective Lee Yeon-Hui is responsible for investigating the disappearance. This young woman, haunted by the death of her sister, then crosses the path of the pastor. Is this grieving father, however, who he claims to be?

What a cast for Revelation ?

  • Jun-Yeol Ryu: Sung Min-chan
  • Hyeon-Bin Shin: Detective Lee Yeon-Hui
  • Min-Jae Shin: Kwon Yang-Rae

Where to view Revelation Streaming?

The film Revelation has been available in streaming since March 21, 2025 on the Netflix VOD platform. To discover this film, as well as Last train for Busanor the series Hellboundthe other contents of creators of Revelationyou can subscribe to the Netflix service from 5.99 euros per month (the cheapest offer but with advertisements, other offers at 13.49 euros per month or 19.99 euros per month also exist).
