Reveals: SD top co-author of manifesto with conspiracy theories

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An elite wants to replace Swedish culture with radical Islam. It is claimed in a manifesto that SD leader Mattias Karlsson co-wrote. Cold Facts’ review of internal documents shows that the manifesto is based on conspiracy theories. – It is a classic right-wing extremist message, says Christer Mattsson, docent in pedagogy at the University of Gothenburg. The manifesto is a 17-page document from the Fundraising Foundation for Swedish Conservatism, which is dated 2021. The cover is adorned by the Sweden Democrats’ chief ideologue, member of parliament Mattias Karlsson. The manifesto contains claims about Islam that are not found in the election manifestos for the Sweden Democrats that Karlsson previously helped produce. Cold facts have had five different experts on radicalization and right-wing extremism analyze the text. – It is a classic right-wing extremist message. The text is based on two conspiracy theories. One is the conspiracy theory of a people exchange. And the other is the conspiracy theory about the deep state, says Christer Mattsson. Contains conspiracy theories The population exchange refers to the Swedish population being replaced with Muslims. The deep state refers to it being allegedly orchestrated by an elite of cultural marxists and liberals. – What makes it a conspiracy theory is the idea that migration is the result of an elite that wants to transform society into something completely different, says Christer Mattson. Kalla fakta’s editors have reviewed the text, which contains several incorrect statements. “Unfinished internal document” – Broadly speaking, I think it points to a direction in Swedish social development that I believe is mostly correct, says Mattias Karlsson. However, he does not want to stand behind individual formulations such as that an elite wants to replace Western culture with radical Islam. According to him, it is an unfinished internal document that was prepared for a meeting that never took place. The manifesto warns that for tens of years Sweden has been a left-wing radical experiment that threatens the existence of Western civilization. In order to save Sweden, the foundation therefore wants money. The money is to be used to support Swedish conservative organisations. “Motivated Anders Behring Breivik” In English, the conspiracy theory about the population exchange is called “the great replacement theory”. – It was such a theory that motivated the terrorist in Christchurch in his actions and then a bunch of other terrorists in Europe and the USA, says the historian of ideas Andreas Önnerfors at Linnaeus University. – It was very much what also motivated Anders-Behring Breivik to his terrorist act. The entire Cold Facts review is available on TV4 Play. Watch the full interview with the researcher in the player above.
