Reuters: Onlyfans contains child abuse material | News in brief

Reuters Onlyfans contains child abuse material News in brief

The youngest victims of abuse cases are 8 years old.

3.7. 23:03•Updated 3.7. 23:08

The social media subscription service Onlyfans has featured child abuse material, according to the news agency From a Reuters report.

Onlyfans has become known especially as a place for selling and buying sexual content.

The news agency sought cases from more than 250 major U.S. law enforcement agencies. Of those, 30 cases dealt with child pornography on Onlyfans between 2019 and 2024. The ages of the victims ranged from 8 to 17 years old.

The site promises that it is strictly limited to adult use only, and that all child sexual abuse material will be removed from the platform. Managing director Keily Blair among other things, said in a speech last year that they know the age and identity of everyone on the platform, and no under-18s are allowed.

However, it emerged from the cases that Onlyfans contains smuggled sexual abuse and child abuse material shared through the chat service.

In addition, minors using the service themselves may have borrowed a friend’s identity card to verify their age. Abusers of minors, on the other hand, may use adult women’s identity documents to create accounts.
