Reuters: Former Republicans and Democrats create new party in US

Reuters Former Republicans and Democrats create new party in US

Positioned in the political center, Forward is, according to its founders, an answer to those voters who are disappointed with the US two-party system.

In the United States, dozens of former representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties are forming a new, third party, reports the news agency Reuters.

The founders of the new Forward party believe they will appeal to millions of voters who are disillusioned with America’s dysfunctional two-party system and the country’s deep polarization.

Initially, the chairmanship of the new party will be shared by a former Democratic presidential candidate and who has since become uncommitted Andrew Yang and a Republican who previously served as governor of New Jersey Christine Todd Whitman.

The founders of the party point out that in a poll published last year, two out of three Americans were of the opinion that a third party is needed in the United States.

Forward positions itself in the political center, but so far it does not have a specific program. According to its founders, the party aims to “revive a fair and prosperous economy” and give Americans more options in elections and increase their trust in a functioning government.

Traditionally, third parties have not been successful in the US two-party system. However, the candidates of the alternative parties have managed to influence the presidential elections from time to time. For example, in the 2000 presidential election, the Democratic candidate Al Gore’s was considered lost in the angelic state of Florida by the Republicans For George W. Bushbecause of the greens Ralph Nader grabbed the voters Gore needed.

Forward aims to register as a party and gain the right to participate in elections in 30 states by the end of 2023 and in all 50 states by the end of 2024.
