After a short time on the island, Amanda Högvik collapsed and no one understood what caused her condition. After she was cared for by doctors during the night, she has now returned to Robinson and Lag Syd. – It both scares me and makes me happy, she says. Amanda Högvik had a tough start in Robinson. Already on the first days on the island, she collapsed and was taken away by boat to receive treatment from a doctor. No one knew the cause of her condition and the members of Team South were worried that Amanda would not return to the island. – She was really bad. We don’t know if it was dehydration or what it was. She collapsed and lay convulsing, she ended up leaving in a medical boat, explained teammate Dennis Johansson. “A hell of a lot tougher than I could have imagined” But to the team’s great joy, Amanda shows up again the next day! There will be a warm and loving reception from all sides when Amanda returns. After she received care during the night, she has now, in consultation with the doctors, been allowed to go back to the island to continue her Robinson adventure. – After antibiotics and drips, I came to the conclusion together with the doctors that with the right medication I can go back to the camp, says Amanda when she is back. But with delight mixed with horror. – I get a new chance, which both scares me and makes me happy, she says and notes: – Being in Robinson is so damn much tougher than I could have imagined. In the player you see when Amanda Högvik returns to the island.
Returning to Robinson after the collapse – the message from the doctor