Return to the cave of 13 lives |

Return to the cave of 13 lives

Five years later, caving experts describe as miraculous the fact that 12 children and their coach were rescued alive from inside Tham Luang, a 10-kilometre long cave system, the fourth largest in Thailand, where they had trapped by the rapidly rising waters. A strong monsoon storm had caused several sections of the cave to flood, making it impossible for hikers to return to the surface.

A soccer team trapped for 18 days

Monsoon rains flooded the Tham Luang cave,

located in Chiand Rai province, north of Thailand.

12 boys and their coach were trapped while performing

an excursion, since the storm had blocked the way

towards the exit of the complex.

Return to the cave of 13 lives

A football team trapped

for 18 days

Monsoon rains flooded the cave

Tham Luang, located in the province

from Chiand Rai, north of Thailand.

12 children and their coach were

caught while performing

an excursion, since the storm

had blocked the way

towards the exit of the complex.

For the next two weeks, the rescue received media attention when Stanton and Volanthen, two experienced British divers from the international contingent, located the children alive on a platform in one of the flooded galleries. Thai authorities considered delaying the evacuation until the monsoon ended, but CO2 levels were rising alarmingly in the enclosed space they shared. They soon considered the safest methods of transporting the boys, as well as managing their breathing underwater during the delicate operation.

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Camera 3:

basis of operation


of the cave

from Tham Luang

Initially it

I hoped to find

at this point to the group.

two british divers

they advanced a few meters

More until I find them.



of water

A worrisome prognosis before being rescued

The rain outside the cave increased rapidly

after the children entered the complex, further flooding some

tickets. Heavy rain forecast presented a terrifying scenario

because water levels could quickly rise again.

Scale in millimeters of water – Source: SCMP

Saturday 23

of June:

the kids are



forecast of

rains for july

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of the cave

from Tham Luang

two divers


they advanced further

from this point to

give with them

A worrying prognosis

The rain outside the cave increased

quickly after the admission of the children

to the complex, further flooding some

tickets. Heavy rain forecast

presented a terrifying scenario because

water levels could return

to increase rapidly.

Figures in millimeters of water – Source: SCMP

Saturday 23

of June:

the kids are



Rain forecast for July

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June 23


remain trapped

June 24

The authorities

start the search

June 25th

They are footprints

inside the cave

June 26th

pumps are installed

water extractors

June 27th

British Diving Experts

join the search

1st of July

rescue teams

reach ‘Pattaya Beach’

July 2nd

The twelve schoolchildren and their tutor

are found alive

July 6th

Rescuer dies

he was carrying supplies

Today a bronze statue

placed in the museum of the cave reminds

to Saman Kunan, the late Thai diver

during the rescue.

July 7th

The kids write

letters to relatives

The rescue mission begins

British divers Stanton and Volanthen found the children alive,

but they returned for supplies and wetsuits to plan

the salvage. On July 8, the authorities announced the start of the operation.

rescue. An international contingent made up of 18 divers entered

in the cave with the aim of returning accompanied by the minors.

18 divers were part of the team in the final rescue

A huge amount of water drained

Some 243 million liters of water were pumped out of the flooded cave

before the first six children were rescued on July 8. I would be

equivalent to placing on the pitch of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

a pool 34 meters deep and a capacity

of 242,760 m3 of water.

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June 23


remain trapped

June 24

The authorities

start the search

June 25th

They are footprints

inside the cave

June 26th

pumps are installed

water extractors

June 27th

british divers

join the search

1st of July

The teams

reach ‘beach


July 2nd

the twelve schoolchildren

and his tutor are

found alive

July 6th

dies a

rescuer who

he was carrying supplies

July 7th

The kids write

letters to relatives

the rescue begins

British divers Stanton and Volanthen

They found the children alive, but

they returned for provisions and suits

of neoprene to plan the rescue.

On July 8, the authorities announced

the start of the rescue operation.

An international contingent formed

by 18 divers entered the cavern

with the aim of returning accompanied

for minors.

18 divers entered the complex

a huge amount

of drained water

Some 243 million were pumped

of liters of water from the flooded cave

before the first six children

They were rescued on July 8. I would be

equivalent to placing on the ground

game of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

a 34 meter deep pool

and a capacity of 242,760 m3 of water.

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Return to the cave of 13 lives.svg

Depth from the surface: between 800 and 1,000 meters

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The Ocean Reef company sent children’s custom-made diving face masks from Italy

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They were put on a neoprene suit to alleviate the low temperature of the water

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Throughout the network of tunnels, every 25 meters, they placed bottles with a level of 80% pure oxygen.

where children
and his coach
got trapped
after the flood

Distance from the boys
to the entrance of the cave: 4 km

Note: The terrain shown
it is schematic and not to scale

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In addition to avoiding narrow galleries and swimming with low visibility due to the turbidity of the water, the divers had to fight against the current before reaching several chambers free from the flood.

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In each of the 13 underwater rescues carried out between July 8 and 10, more than five hours were invested to return to the entrance of the cave.

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During the tour, the children were anesthetized with ketamine to facilitate their rescue and avoid possible panic attacks.

Some passage in the cave was about 70 centimeters wide and about 40 in height

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flooded cave sections

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140 m total underwater travel

Of the four kilometers they had to travel to the exit of the cave, 350 meters were in water, and 40% of them submerged

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In the final section, each child was elevated through a system of pulleys.

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Collapsible plastic military stretchers made it easy to move each person out of the water and into areas of rugged cavernous terrain.

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Return to the cave of 13 lives

The porosity of the limestone that makes up the mountain caused its internal network to be flooded in less than an hour

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At the end of the operation, the main extraction pump located in chamber 3 burst, causing a significant rise in the water level in just a few minutes.

Cenital plane
of the tour

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An international contingent of 10,000 volunteers from 100 different government agencies participated in the search and rescue efforts for the boys.

Now safe, the 13 rescued received medical assistance. They had lost an average of two kilos after spending 18 days inside the cave. Some of the children suffered from mild pneumonia and symptoms of hypothermia, but none of them had serious health problems.

Months later, it was discovered that, in order to face the underwater rescue, the divers had to sedate and tie each of the children, thus avoiding accidents and unforeseen events during the transfer back abroad. The irregular surface of the cave, which in its flooded part offered zero visibility and strong currents against it, had taken the life of Saman Kunam, a 38-year-old Thai diver, a few days before the end of the rescue.

The anniversary of the feat was marred in 2023 by the fateful loss of one of the protagonists of the story, whose body was found at his home in Leicestershire, United Kingdom. The 17-year-old striker, nicknamed ‘Dom’, had won a scholarship to the Brooke House Football Academy, a popular training center for young stars like Genk striker Kelvin John.

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sad news

Duangpetch Promthep, known as ‘Dom’, the captain

of the ‘Wild Boars’, died of a brain injury in February

2023 in the UK, where I was studying at an academy

football in Leicestershire.

Brother you told me we would make it

our football dream you are one of the people

that pushes me and makes me want to improve to your level.

Sleep well, my dear friend. We will always be 13 together

Prachak Sutham

Teammate and rescued from the cave

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sad news

Duangpetch Promthep, known

as ‘Dom’, the captain of the ‘Wild Boars’,

died due to brain injury

in February 2023 in the UK,

where I was studying in a

football academy in Leicestershire.

brother you told me

that we would achieve our dream

football. you are one of the people

that pushes me and makes me want

improve to your level. Sleep well,

my dear friend. Always

we will be 13 together

Prachak Sutham


and rescued from the cave

During his funeral in Thailand, ten soccer balls with messages of condolences from his former teammates floated in the Mekong River and at the Buddhist temple Wat Phra That Doi Wao, just 10 kilometers from the cave of 13 lives, students from his old school offered the shirt of the talented player of the ‘Wild Boars’.

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Infographic and illustration:

Miguel Angel Fernandez

Editorial coordination:

Javier Silles

Coordination of specials:

Mariano Tovar

Web development and design:

Rodrigo Ludgero – Darío González

Sources consulted:

reuters – – – –

Thirteen Lessons that Saved Thirteen Lives: The Inside Story of the Thai Cave Rescue – – El País –

National Geographic Documentary Films – Google Earth – Sasidis Sasisakulporn/Netflix – De Warrenne Films – Getty and own elaboration.

1689006794 180 Return to the cave of 13 lives

Infographic and illustration:

Miguel Angel Fernandez

Editorial coordination:

Javier Silles

Coordination of specials:

Mariano Tovar

Web development and design:

Rodrigo Ludgero – Darío González

Sources consulted:

reuters – – – – Thirteen Lessons that

Saved Thirteen Lives: The Inside Story

of the Thai Cave Rescue – –

The Country – National Geographic

Documentary Films – Google Earth –

Sasidis Sasisakulporn/Netflix –

From Warren Films –

Getty and own elaboration.
