Return of the deodorant challenge on TikTok: beware danger

Return of the deodorant challenge on TikTok beware danger

After the Labello challenge, it is the deodorant challenge that is beginning to worry parents and teenage specialists again. Back on TikTok, it involves spraying deodorant on the skin long enough to feel an intense cold sensation. A dangerous practice responsible for sometimes serious burns.

What is the deodorant challenge?

Consisting of putting labello on his lips at each difficult moment of the day and threatening to commit suicide at the end of the tube, the Labello challenge had barely begun to mark time when a Another equally dangerous challenge reappears on TikTok. Called deodorant challengehe was born in 2018 in Great Britain and consists of spraying the skin with an aerosol, such as deodorant, as long and as close as possible to feel and withstand the bite of the cold. However, it can cause serious burns sometimes requiring skin grafts and can leave unsightly scars. A 10-year-old British girl unfortunately paid the price, as her mother confided to the Mirror. Ellie Prescot was attending a sleepover with friends when she decided to take up this challenge. One of her comrades therefore sprayed deodorant one centimeter from the skin of her hand for ten seconds and since then she has been living a real ordeal. “Because of 10 seconds of stupidity, she has lived through hell for two years”has indeed explained his mother Jamie Prescott to the Mirror.

“My daughter has been living in hell for two years”

After trying to relieve the pain and the burn, this Englishwoman went to the emergency room where the doctors explained to her that the healing would not take place before 18 to 24 months. And for good reason, it was a second-degree burn, called cryogenic, and the pre-adolescent girl may well have to resort to cosmetic surgery afterwardsIt was a shock for us especially since our daughter is usually very reasonable. She just lacked common sense for ten seconds“, confides this 39-year-old woman who wants to alert parents and authorities about the dangerousness of this new challenge.

Contacted by the Mirror, the TikTok company denied any responsibility. “We care deeply about the safety and well-being of our community (…) We remove content that discusses dangerous challenges and urge people looking for them to visit our safety center, where they can find a guide offering them challenges developed with youth safety experts“, explained a spokesperson for the company. Faced with this phenomenon which could grow, adolescence experts advise parents to remain attentive to the behavior of their children and to use pedagogy to explain to them the dangers of the deodorant challenge.
