Retreating Russian troops mine houses in Ukraine, says Zelenskyi – three key news from the evening and night

Retreating Russian troops mine houses in Ukraine says Zelenskyi

The president of Ukraine warns Russian youths to join the Russian army because it “knows almost certain deaths for many very young men.”

We gathered the key news from last night and last night in connection with the war in Ukraine.

Satellite imagery: The Russians unexpectedly abandoned an airport near Kiev

Russian troops have suddenly disappeared from an airport near Kiev, according to recent satellite images. Russia seized Antonov Airport, about 40 kilometers from downtown Kiev, on the first day of its attack. Apparently the troops were to continue from the area towards Kiev.

News channel CNN (switch to another service) in the early days of the war, the Russian Ministry of Defense released numerous videos praising how easily the Russian air force had gained control of the field.

Now, satellite images from Maxar Technologies show that military equipment previously on the ground has disappeared.

According to some estimates, military equipment has been transferred to Belarus. However, this cannot be confirmed, as the thick cloud cover above the area prevents the tracking of Russian troops using satellite imagery.

Britain: The destruction of fuel stocks is likely to disrupt Russian service connections

The destruction of a fuel depot in the Russian city of Belgorod is likely to cause more problems for Russian troops in Ukraine, according to a British intelligence report.

Russia has accused Ukraine of attacking a fuel depot early Friday morning. Ukraine has denied the charges.

A report released by the British Department of Defense at night does not comment on which party is behind the destruction of the stockpile. Instead, the report estimates that the situation will cause logistical difficulties for the Russian military in the short term.

In particular, the situation may affect the Russian forces currently besieging the city of Kharkov, according to the report.

Kharkiv is located about 60 km from Belgorod.

Zelenskyi warned Russian conscripts

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi calls on the Russians to oppose calls by the Russian armed forces for men of conscription.

According to Zelensky, joining the Russian army “knows almost certain deaths for many very young men.”

“Warn all conscripts, their parents,” the president said in a video he released the night before Saturday.

– We don’t want any more dead people here. Save your children so they don’t become criminals. Don’t send them to the army.

On Friday, the Russian armed forces began invitations to conscripts.

Zelenskyi also said in a video message that retreating Russian troops have mined large areas in northern Ukraine, making it dangerous for residents to return home.

– They mine houses, equipment and even the bodies of dead people.
