Retraining of Olivier Véran: a deputy wants a law governing retraining as an aesthetic doctor

Retraining of Olivier Veran a deputy wants a law governing

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    Yannick Neuder (LR MP for Isère, cardiologist)

    MP Yannick Neuder has just tabled a bill to regulate the retraining of doctors, general practitioners and specialists, towards aesthetic medicine. According to him, it is necessary to regulate the practice. Doctissimo questioned him to understand his motivations.

    The former Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, has just announced that he will soon wear his doctor’s coat. A neurologist by training, he will not walk the corridors of the Grenoble University Hospital, his hometown, but will work as an aesthetic doctor in a prestigious Parisian practice. A reconversion that raises questions.

    A proposed law to regulate this type of practice

    A few days after this announcement, the deputy for Isère, Yannick Neuder (Les Républicains), himself a cardiologist by training, announced that he had tabled a bill aimed at regulating the retraining of general practitioners and specialists towards aesthetic medicine, with the aim of combating medical desertification.

    But he assures him, it has nothing to do with Olivier Véran. “There are 9000 doctors who have turned to aesthetic medicine, with Olivier Véran there will be 9001, that is not the question” he evades. “On the other hand, for me, it illustrates the subject well. 87% of our territory is a medical desert, the times to meet a specialist doctor have lengthened considerably in a few years and you now have to wait 10 days to get an appointment with your general practitioner, on average, in 2024, compared to only 4 in 2019″ he summarizes.

    The profession of doctor lacks attractiveness, according to Yannick Neuder

    If Olivier Véran did not want to return to his profession as a neurologist, justifying his decision in relation to “his label as a minister” which could have disrupted his relationship with patients, MP Neuder points out the lack of attractiveness of the profession . “We can no longer pay a doctor 300 euros for a botox injection when he will only earn 35 euros to remove a mole.” he denounces.

    In the same way, we already lack general practitioners, there are more than six million French people who do not have a GP… How can we make the profession attractive when they combine constraints, consultationsthe obligation of care, for 26.50 euros?” he asks again.

    Train more doctors and allow them to evolve

    For the MP for Isère, who is also vice-president of the Social Affairs Commission, there is therefore a need to regulate changes in the specialty of doctors. He therefore proposes that the transition to aesthetic medicine be subject to “delivery of an authorization from the Regional Health Agency (ARS), after assent from the departmental council of the order of doctors“.

    “As a committed doctor and parliamentarian, I have other ambitions for hospital and private medicine in France” explains the MP. He also insists on the fact that practices are changing, particularly among younger people. “It takes 2.5 general practitioners to replace one who leaves retirementToday”. To “avoid arriving at a two-speed medicine”, Yannick Neuder believes that it is time to act… without being sure that his bill will be adopted.
