retirement, RSA, purchasing power… The summary

retirement RSA purchasing power The summary

MACRON PROGRAM. From pension reform to education, including the goal of full employment by 2027, Emmanuel Macron has focused his presidential campaign on a few strong markers. Here are the key points of Emmanuel Macron’s program for this 2022 presidential election.

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[Mis à jour le 11 avril 2022 à 16h20] Emmanuel Macron will be at the rendezvous of the second round of the presidential election. The outgoing president qualified with 27.84% of the vote according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior published Monday, April 11 the day after the first round. Emmanuel Macron will again face Marine Le Pen duringa campaign between two rounds which promises to be more uncertain than in 2017.

During an express campaign before the first round, the LREM candidate detailed several proposals, some of which animated the debates: the raising of the legal retirement age to 65 or the conditioning of the payment of the RSA to a integration activity of 15 to 20 hours per week is part of it. In terms of purchasing power, a theme he extensively detailed on Sunday evening in his first-round evening speech as a kind of catch-up or awareness, Emmanuel Macron seemed less active than his rival Marine Le Pen which has made it the key to its dynamic in recent weeks.

The major point detailed so far by Emmanuel Macron in his program is the tripling of the exceptional purchasing power bonus. This bonus, also called the PEPA bonus, is distributed by employers to their employees on a voluntary basis. It could go from 1,000 euros to 3,000 euros in the event of re-election of candidate Macron. Its program is public and available in its entirety online and find below but you can find the synthesis by themes below.

What is Macron’s plan on pensions?

This is one of the most divisive points of Emmanuel Macron’s program and undoubtedly the most commented on since his entry into the campaign: the pension reform, which he was unable to complete during his five-year term. . Emmanuel Macron is aiming for a different reform this time, which can be summarized in a few points.

  • pay-as-you-go system retained
  • Gradual postponement of the legal retirement age to 65 with an addition of 4 months per year from 2023 until 2032. A person born in 1961 could retire at the age of 62 and 4 months in 2023 or 2024 against 62 years for a person born in 1961 and called to retire in 2023. The generation born in 1969 would retire at 65 years old.
  • “taking into account long careers” and the “reality of jobs and tasks”, i.e. a way of recognizing hardship but via “individualized” factors.
  • Increase in the minimum full-rate pension to 1,100 euros per month.

What is Macron’s plan for the RSA?

Several measures have been announced by Emmanuel Macron on employment and professional integration, but one has mainly caught the attention: that of linking the payment of the RSA to an integration activity.

  • The activated solidarity income, the RSA, would thus be conditional on achieving 15 to 20 hours of activity per week with the aim of professional integration.
  • “The RSA comes from the RMI. We have forgotten it, but it is the ‘i’ of integration. There is the idea that you had to work to fit in (…). We cannot say ‘we pay the RSA’ but we do not accompany it”, he had justified in the face of the controversy, thein an interview given to M6 at the end of March. “I am not for slavery”, he then quipped, before specifying that if these hours were “a job”, they would be “paid at least at the minimum wage”.

What is Macron’s program on employment and work?

In addition to the RSA, Emmanuel Macron unveiled several measures with one objective: full employment in 2027. As a reminder, the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that full employment is achieved when the unemployment rate is below 5%.

  • The transformation of Pôle emploi into a “one-stop shop” named France Travail to simplify the procedures and limit the interlocutors.
  • Continuation of the unemployment insurance reform.
  • Reform of the time savings account to transform it into a portable and universal device. It would allow you to choose to take your leave and RTT or to place them in an account to take advantage of them for your retirement or to have them paid.
  • Social benefits will be paid directly into the bank account of beneficiaries with the dual objective of fighting against fraud and helping beneficiaries to receive the aid to which they are entitled. “I want to help all the French people who do not have access to this aid when they would be entitled to it because it is too complicated, or there are too many steps”, he summed up. Aid such as the RSA, the activity bonus but also family allowances would be concerned.
  • Development of vocational training in higher education.

What is Macron’s program for purchasing power?

Faced with Marine Le Pen, who has made it the focus of her campaign and faced with opinion polls which place the theme of purchasing power as the main issue in the vote of the French during the first round (source: Ipsos survey – Sopra Steria for Radio France, France Télévisions, France24/RFI/MCD, Public Sénat/LCP National Assembly and Le Parisien – Today in France), Emmanuel Macron seemed withdrawn on the theme of purchasing power. The candidate, however, largely mentioned this point during his speech after the first round and should communicate more about his proposals. Here are the main points:

  • Tripling of the exceptional purchasing power bonus, the “Macron bonus” without charge and tax-exempt to increase it to a maximum of 6,000 euros.
  • Maintenance “if prices should continue to soar” of the discount of 18 cents / liter of fuel launched in April.

Macron’s program on taxes and taxation

  • Increase in the tax allowance on inheritances by increasing it to 150,000 euros per child and 100,000 euros for other family members.
  • Abolition of the TV license fee amounting to 138 euros per year.

Macron’s program on ecology

On ecology and the environment, Emmanuel Macron intends to combine this theme with the imperatives born of the war in Ukraine: ensuring France’s energy independence.

  • To do this, it aims to strengthen the mix by developing nuclear, solar and wind power and by building six new next-generation nuclear power plants and developing fifty offshore wind farms by 2050.
  • Introduction of a carbon tax at the borders of Europe.
  • Proposal for an electric car leasing system for low-income households.
  • Promote energy savings through the energy renovation of 700,000 homes per year.

Macron’s program on health

In terms of health, and after a five-year term marked by the Covid-19 health crisis, Emmanuel Macron promises “massive reinforcement” in medical deserts and a new allocation of simple tasks to allow doctors to free up time: nurses and pharmacists could example renewing a prescription. There are also the following suggestions:

  • In nursing homes, Macron promises the recruitment of 50,000 caregivers and nurses.
  • Recruitment plan for nursing assistants and nurses at the hospital.
  • A complete and free health check-up at key ages (25, 45 and 60 years old)
  • Development of teleconsultations.
  • Better regulate the installation of doctors throughout the country.
  • Relocate drug production to France.

Macron’s program on education

The outgoing president wants to make school one of the priorities of his second five-year term.

  • Increase in the hours of so-called fundamental subjects: French and mathematics in primary and 6th grade and put math back in the common core in high school.
  • Increase in sports hours with 30 minutes per day in primary and 2 more hours of PE per week in college.
  • Increase in teachers’ salaries against “new missions”. These will have to be defined during a consultation.
  • Greater autonomy for establishments, greater freedom in the recruitment of professors.
  • Awareness of trades and orientation: “all children will discover, from 5th to 3rd, several trades, including technical and manual trades”.
  • Transformation of the vocational high school on the apprenticeship model by making it “a path of excellence”. More internship periods in companies (+50%) and remuneration for these periods.

Macron program on culture

Emmanuel Macron recognizes in the preamble to his program: “Too many citizens do not have access to culture”.

  • Development of the Culture Pass of 500 euros for all 18-year-olds.
  • Library openings in the evening and on Sundays.
  • Investment in the French creative and cultural industries via an investment fund endowed with 200 million euros used to support creation via public commissions and the protection of copyright and neighboring rights.

Security, inequality… The other measures of Macron’s program

  • To become an independent nation, the candidate of La République en Marche relies on France’s ability to defend itself and plans to reinforce thearmy to make it more adapted to new challenges and new dangers. He also promises to continue to increase the budget of the Ministry of Defense as he did during his first five-year term. Independence is also the ability to meet one’s own food, energy, health and other needs by improving production, agricultural and industrial policies.
  • About the society united, the President’s desire is to fight against social inequalities at the root he also aims for the better inclusion of people with disabilities, in particular children with disabilities, at school by upgrading the situation of those accompanying students with disabilities. disability. It is once again making equality between men and women an objective of its program with better care for women’s health, like its program for endometriosis, and single-parent families, often female, with a doubling of aid
  • The republican pact brings together the reforms of the shutters safe, judicial and administrative. Substantial recruitment is envisaged with the creation of 200 gendarmerie brigades, the increase in police personnel but also the hiring of 8,500 magistrates throughout France. The pact would ensure the facilitation of procedures, the shortening of file processing times and the verification of the effectiveness of penalties, among other things. The administration would also be subject to “drastic simplification”.

Emmanuel Macron’s full program in PDF

If you want to have more details and see all the measures proposed by candidate Emmanuel Macron, it’s online, on his campaign site. Find his profession of faith here and his detailed program (24 pages) here.
