Retirement home: let’s go for the 5th edition of the MDRS competition

Retirement home lets go for the 5th edition of the

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting section (baby, pregnancy, family)

    Since 2018, Mr Jacquet, founder of the MDRS site,, and his team have decided to create a competition dedicated to retirement homes to discover them from a different angle. Find out who are the candidates for the 2022 edition.

    If establishments for seniors raise many questions among the French, some structures stand out for their commitment to residents, but also to their staff. “We started from a simple observation, not all retirement homes are alike, not all seniors have the same expectations or the same needs. What we wanted to highlight through this competition is show the DNA of each of these residences through a video” reveals Mr Jacquet, founder of the MDRS site.

    Retirement home: a site to choose and compare establishments

    MDRS is above all a site offering the general public the possibility of choosing, comparing and booking a retirement home (EPHAD, Résidence Service, Résidences Autonomie, Marpa, etc.). An important step in the life of the future resident as well as for his loved ones. For 18 years, MDRS has been visiting different structures anonymously in order to evaluate and rate them. Thanks to this expertise, the MDRS teams realized that certain structures offered activities and projects that brought together both residents and professionals. Thus, the idea of ​​the competition began to germinate.

    A competition to reward projects for seniors

    In 2018, Mr Jacquet and his team decided to create a competition dedicated to these retirement homes to discover them from a different angle, through their initiative, their creativity, their humour. This is how the MDRS competition was born: “The competition allows teams to promote their residents, to unite a team through a common and unifying project, to participate in a great adventure” admits Mr Jacquet. Good news, the general public can obviously participate in the competition by voting for their favorite project via the link of the official selection of this year. No less than 65 projects are honored and three of them will receive a public award (gold, silver and bronze). As for the other initiatives, a jury made up of professionals from the sector will vote for their favorite projects at the beginning of December. The award ceremony will take place on January 10 in Paris.
