Retirement at 64, hardship… Elisabeth Borne’s announcements

Retirement at 64 hardship Elisabeth Bornes announcements

PENSION REFORM. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne presented the 2023 pension reform project on Tuesday at a press conference. Legal age of departure, duration of contribution, long careers, taking into account the arduousness… Here is what was announced.

20:14 – The left calls to join the union mobilization on January 19

While Elisabeth Borne is now on the set of the 20 Hours of France 2 to detail the government’s pension reform project, the entire left is calling to join the union mobilization on January 19, the first day of demonstrations and strikes. announced by the unions a little earlier in the evening.

19:47 – “All and all together to defeat [la réforme des retraites] !”

After the announcements of the government, Tuesday, January 10, the boss of the communists did not hide his anger. “The government confirms its brutal plan to raise the retirement age,” he immediately denounced on Twitter. And to add: “It’s a combat reform against the world of work. All and all together to defeat it!”

19:22 – The first day of strike against the pension reform will take place on January 19

The date is set. Thursday January 19, 2023, next week, will take place the very first day of “strike and demonstration” against the pension reform wanted by the government. “This is the start of a mobilization, we will see the evening of the 19th for the rest”, added the boss of the CFDT, Laurent Berge, after the press conference which brought together the unions.

18:42 – The recap of Elisabeth Borne’s announcements

This Tuesday, January 10, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne presented the pension reform. There are several key points to remember. First, the legal retirement age will increase from 62 to 64 years by 2030. Then, the minimum amount of retirement pensions will be increased by 100 euros, or almost 1,200 euros net per month from next September. The contribution period will be increased to 172 quarters from 2027 instead of 2035 currently. A new intermediary will also be created for employees who started working before the age of 18, improving the system for long careers. Finally, the special plans closed will only be for new hires.

18:29 – A PLFSS to get the text adopted

“This text, we approach it with the desire to find agreements, to gather a majority in the National Assembly” indicates Elisabeth Borne. The executive has decided to have the text adopted by a Social Security financing bill (PLRSS).

18:21 – A potential use of 49.3?

Asked about the possibility of the government using 49.3 to pass the pension reform, Elisabeth Borne preferred to kick in touch, quite clearly avoiding the subject: “It is a project which brings a reform of justice, balance and progress. We are going to do our best to unite around this project”.

18:14 – “Giving the assurance to the youngest that they will have a retirement”

“Our pay-as-you-go pension system is a precious asset. It is a symbol of the nation. Our project is to act for current retirees and preserve their purchasing power. It is to give assurance to the youngest that they will have a retirement. To succeed in this project is to show that the collective makes sense. It is also to show that when the analyzes and facts are numerous and substantiated, our country is capable of transforming itself to protect its model social,” said Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

18:10 – Unchanged service times in the public sector

The hardship for the public service continues to be taken into account by the system of active categories. It allows certain professions to have an early eligibility age of 5 to 10 years compared to common rights, subject to having 27 years of service. These terms of service will remain unchanged.

18:07 – Many special diets closed next September

Special schemes such as those of the Banque de France, the RATP, the gas industries, the CSE will be closed for new hires from September 1, 2023.

18:05 – The increase in the minimum pension in effect from September 2023

“Increasing the minimum pension was our priority,” says Olivier Dussopt. It will be increased by 100 euros per month from September 2023. 200,000 new retirees will benefit from it each year. Tradesmen and farmers are also concerned.

17:57 – Several improvements to the hardship at work system

The government plans to “lift all the locks of C2P” explains Olivier Dussopt. First, with the creation of a professional conversion leave, to move towards a profession less exposed to risks. But also, to lower several thresholds of this C2P to make it easier to acquire rights. Also, reduce the number of nights worked per year from 120 to 100.

17:55 – Bruno Le Maire supports the employment of seniors

“This reform has a major advantage which aims to promote the employment of seniors (…) our reform will increase the employment rate of seniors, and will make it possible to benefit from their experience, and to improve the job market by France.”

17:48 – Some special diets maintained

Regarding the special regimes: “soldiers and civil servants such as firefighters and police officers, whose jobs are more dangerous, will be able to continue to leave earlier”, explains Elisabeth Borne. A departure at age 62 will also be “maintained for people with disabilities or incapacity”.

17:46 – 43 years of contribution required from 2027

The Touraine reform voted in 2014 will see its timetable accelerate according to the government project unveiled by Elisabeth Borne on Tuesday. The Prime Minister announced the extension of the contribution period required to benefit from a full pension. Set at 43 annuities, i.e. 172 quarters from 2035, this duration will apply from 2027 according to the project presented on Tuesday

17:45 – A new index of seniors will be created

“The last major progress of this project concerns the employment of seniors. An index will be created. It will be simple, public, and will make it possible to promote good practices, and denounce bad ones. Companies with more than 1000 employees will be obliged to build. We want to give more flexibility between work and retirement. We are going to make combining retirement and employment easier.”

