Retirement and parental leave: how many terms?

Retirement and parental leave how many terms

According to the pension reform bill, parents who have taken parental leave to raise their children will be able to benefit from up to 4 quarters in the calculation of their retirement. What about now? How to calculate?

The pension reform presented on January 10, 2023 by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne is the subject of many debates and arouses many reactions, in particular on the legal retirement age at 64 (instead of 62) from 2030. The social security financing bill (which will carry the reform) will be presented to the Council of Ministers on 23 January. While waiting for more details on the pension reform, we take stock of the trimesters that can be taken into account for parents who have taken parental leave to take care of their children.

Pension reform and parental leave: what will change?

On January 10, Elisabeth Borne specified that the pension reform would be “fairer” for active women as well as for the long careers. Mothers who stop working to take care of their children will also benefit (in the context of long careers). Indeed, theparents who take parental leave will now be able to include up to 4 quarters in the retirement calculationaccording to the law. “Before this project, periods of parental leave were not taken into account in the duration to benefit from it. This will now be the case“said the Prime Minister.

Currently, parents who have taken full-time parental leave to take care of their children can benefit from additional quarters of pension insurance which will therefore be granted to them under the general social security system. This is “increase in the duration of pension insurance” specifies the government.

How many additional terms can you have after parental leave?

The number of additional terms corresponds to the duration of parental leave. For example, for every 90 days of parental leave, you are entitled to an additional quarter of pension insurance.

When a month has 28, 29, 30 or 31 days, there are 30 days of parental leave. Finally, the number of quarters is rounded up. For example, if you took parental leave for 25 months and 23 days: 25 months x 30 days/90 = 8.33 rounded up to 9)

You will need to provide a parental leave certificate specifying the dates of your parental leave. You can submit it at the end of your leave, and request it from your employer. It will be presented to your pension and occupational health insurance fund.
