Retailleau and the “trap” of Darmanin, right-left warfare in Macronie…

Retailleau and the trap of Darmanin right left warfare in Macronie

What would politics be without its stunts, its low blows, its twisted blows, its dirty tricks…? Because, as Edouard Philippe would say, “we have to do things seriously without taking ourselves seriously”, the political service of L’Express offers to immerse you in the corridors of power thanks to a weekly meeting, on our website .

A communist within the walls

A few days ago, it was a visitor like no other who found himself in the office of the Minister of Public Service, Stanislas Guérini. It was Anicet Le Pors, 92 years old: he was, from 1981 to 1984, one of the four communist ministers of the Mauroy governments. In July, the general framework of the public service, born of the reform led by Anicet Le Pors, will celebrate its 40th anniversary.

JO: difficult cooperation between the government and Hidalgo

It’s hard to play it collectively when you’re not part of the same team. A member of the government, who closely follows the organization of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, regrets it: “With Anne Hidalgo, we can say that it is the opposite of a fluid thing…” To listen to this minister, there would have a slight gap between the ability of the mayor of Paris to set herself up as a good sales representative for the next Olympics and her mastery of the subjects on a daily basis: “She has, on the copy, a much higher role than the one she plays in practice , she is lucky to be well surrounded.

Retailleau refuses that the senators sit at Darmanin’s table

In order to find a way through for the immigration bill, the Minister of the Interior hopes to bring together at the same table, in the second half of June, Sacha Houlié, the Macronist president of the law commission of the Assembly, the leaders of the entire majority, the centrists and the parliamentary leaders Les Républicains. But the boss of the LR senators – who must see Gérald Darmanin the week of June 20 – does not hear it that way. “I am opposed to that, he stings. Our senators do not participate in working groups outside the hemicycle, otherwise you are trapped! We want Parliament to keep its independence. The discussion will be done in a transparent in the hemicycles.” History does not yet say who has the most to lose with transparency in this affair…

Franco-Algerian agreement: Philippe was almost upstaged by LR

We have told it: Gérald Darmanin thought that Les Républicains would be the first to call for the questioning of the Franco-Algerian agreement of 1968. The Minister of the Interior therefore smiled when he discovered in L’Express that it was Edouard Philippe who, on this subject, threw himself into the water. In reality, Les Républicains had considered denouncing this text which facilitates the entry and stay of Algerian nationals on French territory. Bruno Retailleau even wanted the end of this agreement with Algeria to be the third proposal of the “rupture project” he presented in the JDD with Eric Ciotti and Olivier Marleix. The three LR leaders seriously considered it, before giving up, preferring to focus on their two bills. “It was too much, a third risked blurring the whole thing”, says Bruno Retailleau in private.

Calm down, new roommates!

The right wing of Macronie is active! Grouped in a WhatsApp loop with the evocative name, “Solféri-no”, as revealed The Parisian, around twenty Renaissance deputies, for certain defectors from LR, are organizing to weigh and tilt the line of the group on their side, rejecting the errors of the five-year term on the left wing. To get inspired, they even planned to meet Nicolas Sarkozy on June 27. Obviously, this small company is viewed askance by their comrades from the historic channel, rather on the left, who do not appreciate the manners of their new roommates: “To hear them, Macron’s problem is the macronists!, plague a manager of this left wing. Hey, you guys are nice, firstly we were there before; and secondly, we invited you to our house, so don’t do your business on the carpet…”
