results far from the mark at the 2024 Europeans

results far from the mark at the 2024 Europeans

Head of the Patriotes list, Florian Philippot will not sit in the European Parliament. Very far from the mark, the score achieved by the party is not sufficient to hope to glean a seat in Strasbourg.

“I think that on June 9, we will have to send a real signal, don’t worry, that’s what I intend to do” declared Florian Philippot, head of the Patriotes list in the 2024 European elections, during a public meeting on May 15 in Louvigny near Caen. It is clear that the results of this European election are extremely disappointing for the former member of the National Front. Throughout the campaign, his list was only credited with around 1% of the votes. Far insufficient and below the 5% needed to sit in the European Parliament. The “Europe is enough” list finally received 0.92% of the votes.

Frexit and control of immigration

Former number 2 of the RN, Florian Philippot, 42, is the founder of the Les Patriotes party. He was also elected to the European Parliament in 2014 under the FN banner. In its program for the 2024 European elections, there were three main pillars, around France’s exit from the European Union. First, save money. A Frexit could save “15 million euros per year” according to him. Next, control immigration. Leaving the EU could make it possible to “regain control of the borders by leaving the Schengen area to “escape the Migration Pact which will force us to distribute migrants”. And finally, gain independence and obtain a reduction in the price of transport. ‘energy.

Former municipal councilor of Forbach, a town in Moselle, and former vice-president of the National Front, Florian Philippot was also a Member of the European Parliament from July 2014 to July 2019. His latest position is that of regional councilor for the Grand Est, a position he held for five years, from 2016 to 2021. In the meantime, he founded the Patriots party, which he still chairs to this day. These elections were an opportunity for him to relaunch himself for good in the political arena. Challenge missed with the low score of the Patriotes achieved at the 2024 Europeans.
