Result of the RN in the 2022 legislative elections: with Marine Le Pen in chief, what second round in sight?

Result of the RN in the 2022 legislative elections with

NATIONAL GATHERING. The RN hopes to become the first opposition force against Emmanuel Macron after the legislative elections, but the emergence of the NUPES and the first results of the first round raise questions. How many RN candidates will they reach the second round of the legislative elections?

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[Mis à jour le 12 juin 2022 à 23h02] Third is the position of the RN at the end of this first round of the 2022 legislative elections. The RN is credited with 18.8% according to an Elabe poll for BFM TV broadcast at the end of the evening. The first partial results give Nupes (the united left led by Mélenchon) and Ensemble (coalition led by the Republic in March) neck and neck in the lead but with a margin of more than five points on the RN.

What result for the National Rally in the 2022 legislative elections?

The party hoped to obtain several seats of deputies in the Assembly, the question now is to know how many. On June 8, in Perpignan, Marine Le Pen hoped to form a group of around a hundred RN deputies in the hemicycle, hoping for a postponement of the votes for the second round of the presidential election in the votes of the day: “We were in the lead in 150 constituencies, so we can have 150 deputies”. However, this scenario seems unlikely given the almost record abstention announced and the undeniable advantage granted to the candidates of the presidential majority, Together, and the left-wing coalition, Nupes.

Until the start of the reserve period, the various polls were counting at the highest on 50 to 60 seats won by the RN, a figure which still seems playable after the first round but which is optimistic. Of course, forecasts only reflect trends at a precise moment and the results of legislative elections may hold surprises. However, it is a certain fact: the National Rally missed out on the campaign and failed to bounce back on its historic scores in the 2022 presidential election, stealing the spotlight and possibly the role of “first opposition” to Emmanuel Macron by the united left.

A late entry and a campaign without a defined course and without real ambitions before the awakening of the far right at ten from the first round: here is the summary of the legislative campaign of the party to the flame. The RN and its leader, Marine Le Pen, have redoubled their efforts in the home stretch of the campaign, increasing calls for the mobilization of voters to try to thwart abstention and attacks against Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon to establish itself as the best alternative. It remains to be seen whether this final sprint was enough to convince. Because history shows that the legislative elections do not succeed in the National Rally, partly because of “the curse of an unfair voting system [majoritaire à deux tours, ndlr]“, according to Marine Le Pen.

What is the program of the National Rally?

The National Rally claims to be the “sole opposition” to Emmanuel Macron, but in its campaign the party is fighting both against the presidential majority made up of “predators from above” which, in the words of Jordan Bardella in a statement wants to make France “a trading room” and the coalition of the left made up of “predators from below” who want to “make it a giant squat” according to the president of the RN. The RN defends a program consequently, similar to that defended during the presidential campaign by Marine Le Pen, with the themes of purchasing power, immigration and retirement as priorities.

On the purchasing power, the first concern of voters, the RN promises to “increase purchasing power and lower taxes”. The highly defended proposal on the total abolition of VAT on a basket of one hundred basic necessities and the reduction of VAT from 20 to 5.5% on fuel and energy are again put forward. The far right also promises to exempt people under 30 from taxes, especially those who start their own business, to set up a zero-rate loan for young French families and to reindex retirement pensions on inflation. . About retreatsthe RN recalls defending a progressive system guaranteeing retirement at 60 for people who entered working life early and at 62 for those who started working after 25 years.

Much of the RN program is about theimmigration and in this regard the party wishes to “stop mass immigration and restore order” but the subject of immigration is also present in other measures concerning employment. The RN wants to establish the “national priority” to “fix the access of foreigners to any public or private job” and “remove the residence permit” for foreigners “who have not worked for a year in France”. Security is also linked to the question of immigration on certain points of the program of the RN which proposes to expel foreigners convicted of crimes or misdemeanors. More generally side securitythe party suggests the establishment of a presumption of self-defense for the police, to restore minimum sentences and to open additional prison places.

Other measures highlighted in the RN program include an investment in the hospital sector in particular to increase the salaries of caregivers and open 10,000 places in nursing homes, but also the creation of 100,000 housing units for students and the increase in teachers’ salaries by 20% per year for 5 years. L’ecology is the great absence of the RN program, on this subject the party simply explains that it wants to abolish the subsidies granted to wind or solar power and to develop hydroelectricity, photovoltaics, geothermal energy in parallel with the construction of fourteen EPR power stations.

Who are the National Rally candidates for the legislative elections?

Marine Le Pen was one of the first to formalize her candidacy for the legislative elections through the voice of her right arm, Jordan Bardella, on April 28 from Fréjus. She confirmed in early May to stand for re-election in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais. At the same time, the interim president of the flame party praised the ranks provided by the RN with candidates invested in 567 out of 577 constituencies. Of the six RN deputies present in the Assembly, only four are standing: Marine Le Pen and Bruno Bilde in the Pas-de-Calais, Sébastien Chenu in the North and Nicolas Meizonnet in the Gard. All the other candidates will form the “new generation” of the RN as wanted by Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen.
