result of the latest survey, program, sponsorships… a thorny campaign

result of the latest survey program sponsorships a thorny campaign

ZEMMOUR. For his first presidential campaign, Eric Zemmour faces many obstacles: difficulties in collecting sponsorships, complaints filed against him, divisive program… Despite everything, the polemicist returned to the match against Valérie Pécresse and Marine Le Pen according to the latest polls.

The essential

  • Candidate for the first time in the presidential election, Eric Zemmour faces a thorny campaign to conquer the Elysée. He managed to shake up the certainties of the national ballot by causing some uproar among Les Républicains and the National Rally.
  • If his eruption in the Elysian race has sometimes propelled him to the second round, the polls have also given him far from the match for the second round. But two months from the first round, Eric Zemmour seems to be back in the game according to the results of the latest polls, which give him on the heels of Marine Le Pen and Valérie Pécresse, around 14%.
  • Despite high voting intentions, Eric Zemmour is not certain of being able to stand in the presidential election. Indeed, the polemicist skates in his quest for the 500 sponsorships of elected officials, necessary to formalize his candidacy.
  • Its program, radical on immigration, Islam or even the national priority, is decried, but certain measures receive majority approval (lower contributions for low wages, ban on the veil). On the other hand, his wishes to push back the retirement age or even to abolish the PMA for single women or couples of women are mostly rejected.
  • The comments made by Eric Zemmour are also regularly decried and even taken to court. Several complaints have been filed against the essayist following his words on HLM or even on the city of Viry-Chatillon.
  • Find all the information on Eric Zemmour’s presidential campaign in this article.

The live campaign

17:24 – Eric Zemmour in difficulty for sponsorships

Will Eric Zemmour be able to stand for the presidential election? The question remains open less than a month from the deadline for receipt, by the Constitutional Council, of the minimum 500 sponsorships necessary to be eligible. According to the latest count of the institution, the polemicist has only 149 signatures. It is much less than Valérie Pécresse, Emmanuel Macron and Anne Hidalgo who have already exceeded the threshold of 500, but also below Nathalie Arthaud, Fabien Roussel, Jean Lassalle, Yannick Jadot, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Jean-Luc Mélenchon or even François Asselineau. On the other hand, it is 10 more than Marine Le Pen. But time is running out for the polemicist and his teams.

16:59 – What are Eric Zemmour’s proposals for the presidential election that divide the most?

Finally, still according to Elabe’s survey, several of Eric Zemmour’s proposals are divisive. Only 58% of respondents say they support the suspension of family allowances for parents of disruptive or absentee pupils, 52% to limit the right to asylum, 51% to abolish family reunification. His proposal to include in the law the notion of “excusable defense” to allow police and citizens to respond in the event of aggression is only approved by one in two respondents, and therefore rejected by as many. His desire to abolish the law of the ground is rejected by 55% of the French.

16:32 – What are Eric Zemmour’s most rejected proposals for the presidential election?

In this same survey, Elabe uncovered several proposals by Eric Zemmour that did not meet with the support of the French at all. The main one: the abolition of PMA for women or couples of women (74% rejection). Raising the legal retirement age to 64 is also rejected (70%), as is his bonus of 10,000 euros paid for any birth in a rural town (69%), or even the wearing of a blouse primary school (61%). The prohibition of the construction of wind turbines and the abolition of the permit at the point are also rejected (59%).

16:02 – What are Eric Zemmour’s most supported proposals for the presidential election?

Elabe conducted a survey on the support of the French (1488 respondents) to certain key proposals by Eric Zemmour. Several of them receive certain approval: that of reducing social security contributions for the most modest workers, for a net salary increase of 100 euros per month of the Smic (72%), the establishment of the forfeiture of nationality for binational criminals and repeat offenders (70%), the ban on wearing the Islamic veil in public spaces (65%), the suspension of social assistance for the parents of minor offenders and criminals (65%) or the abolition of employers’ and employees’ contributions on the premiums paid by companies to employees (65%).

15:36 – 14.5% and a fourth place for Eric according to the latest poll

A new poll on the 2022 presidential election was published on Wednesday February 9, 2022. Produced by Harris Interactive, the latter credits Eric Zemmour with 14.5% of the votes in the first round of the ballot. He would be in fourth position behind Marine Le Pen and Valérie Pécresse.

Now officially a candidate, the polemicist appears to be losing momentum and no longer comes to shake up the candidacies of the Republicans and the National Rally, although the former journalist would manage to capture part of the electorate traditionally voting for the right and the far-right. right, despite everything weakening the scores of its two rivals. But faced with various controversies, the pretender to the Elysée is skating, even if his campaign team continues to form around, in particular, two prefects. From there to completely shake up a campaign that seemed to have been written for months?

Learn more

Eric Zemmour formalized his candidacy for the 2022 presidential election on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, in a video posted on the Internet and relayed in the media. The ex-journalist had made no secret of it in recent months, he intended to play a role in this presidential campaign. On August 28, he said without flinching that he “wanted” to unite the rights. After having gone to “meeting the French” as an essayist to promote his book, after having multiplied the signing sessions and even public meetings, after having put his collaboration with Le Figaro on hold in early September, he declared himself candidate in a 10-minute video where we could observe him sitting at a desk, in a slightly outdated library setting, reading his text in front of a microphone. A posture that some will have compared to that of General de Gaulle during the appeal of June 18. Above all, Eric Zemmour’s candidacy video was interspersed with dozens of images and video extracts, aimed at illustrating the decline of France or, conversely, the lost greatness of the country. Many excerpts used without the consent of the authors and which provoked numerous protests and threats of complaint from the rights holders.

If he waited several months before officially declaring himself a candidate for the ballot, the polemicist had been identified as an actor in political life in September because of his speeches and multiple trips. Thus, from the month of September, it was integrated into the opinion surveys carried out by the polls. And his presence immediately aroused a real attraction for some of the voters. The ideas of the former journalist seem to infuse public opinion. To the point that, just credited with 5.5% of the vote on June 9 (Ifop poll), Eric Zemmour was sometimes given ahead of Marine Le Pen in the fall (18%). But he has experienced a slowdown in the polls since December and is given between 11 and 14%. Discover the compilation of the polls carried out by the Context newspaper below.

Eric Zemmour has already distilled part of his program for the presidential election. The main axes of the presidential project of the polemicist are exposed on the candidate’s campaign website.

  • In the field of‘immigration that he constantly evokes, the polemicist says he wants to put an end to the jus soli and stop or limit all the flows whether they are justified by family reunification or the right of asylum. A major point of its policy is the “return of undesirable foreigners”, either illegal immigrants and delinquents or criminals.
  • Mocked for his weaknesses ineconomythe former journalist says he is in favor of the retirement at age 64, the introduction of 39 hours in the public service or the massive reduction in production taxes. He also advocates the creation of a large Ministry of Industry to direct public orders towards French companies and makes the reindustrialization of the country a priority.
  • On the issue of wages, Eric Zemmour proposes a reduction of the CSG from 9% to 2.5% for wages between the minimum wage and 2000 euros net and says he is against a return of the ISF. For the purchasing powerthe candidate wants to return to “the universality of family allowances” and “exempt overtime from taxes and social charges”.
  • For’environment and energy transition, Eric Zemmour wants to ban new wind projects and freeze existing ones, then redirect efforts and public support towards thermal renewable energies. To limit the artificialization and pollution of the soil, he plans to “prohibit the construction of new large surfaces and commercial areas”.
  • Among the other proposals hammered home by the candidate are the return to 90km/h and the wearing of school uniforms. On the Covid, he says he is opposed to the vaccination pass which he wishes to repeal. The nationalist candidate spoke briefly about European politics and argues for national sovereignty over European law.

Eric Zemmour is a journalist, polemicist, columnist and writer, presidential candidate for 2022. He was born into a Jewish family that fled Algeria during the war of independence and settled in the suburbs of Paris. His origins are modest: his father is an ambulance driver and his mother is a housewife. Eric Zemmour emphasizes that he owes his sense of values ​​to his family. After graduating from the IEP in Paris at the age of 21 and attempting the ENA competition twice, without success, he then embarked on a career as a journalist for the written press and collaborated with many newspapers and magazines. : Le Quotidien de Paris, Le Figaro, Current Values, etc.

Eric Zemmour also takes advantage of his profile as a polemicist to break into television and radio, first and foremost on RTL. But it was in 2006, with the talk show “We are not lying”, hosted by Laurent Ruquier and broadcast by France 2 at the end of the evening on Saturdays, that the journalist found notoriety with the general public with iconoclastic positions. and ultra-conservative. Thanked by the channel in 2011, he continued his columns in various media (RTL, Paris Première…) and arrived on the CNews channel in 2019 for a column in the program “Face à l’info”. He develops his anti-immigrant, anti-feminist ideas there and relays the theories of the “great replacement” and the decline of France.

Eric Zemmour is also the author of a dozen political books including “The First Sex” (Denoël, 2009) and “The French Suicide” (Albin Michel, 2014). His latest book, “France did not say its last word”, was self-published in 2021 through its SARL, Rupembré editions. It develops and further declines the political ambition of Eric Zemmour and allows him to begin a tour of France even before his declaration of candidacy.
