Result of the 2023 patent: who has the DNB? Date of verdict by academy

Result of the 2023 patent who has the DNB Date

COLLEGE PATENT RESULT. The results of the 2023 college certificate are communicated at the beginning of July, on dates and times that vary according to the academies.

Some 850,000 students took their written college patent tests at the end of June 2023 and are now awaiting the verdict. To obtain their first national diploma, candidates must collect at least 400 points out of 800. The result of the college certificate is revealed every year in dribs and drabs for all of the academies in France.

This year, the results of the college patent are communicated from wednesday 5 July to Wednesday July 12, 2023 (To see the details of dates and times here). The lists of those admitted to the DNB are accessible on our site, as well as the associated mentions, thanks to the search engine below: the results of the patent are accessible free of charge, just type in the name of the candidate, city or academy . Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

The results of the patent are revealed at the beginning of July, on dates differing slightly according to the academies. This year, it is to be expected that the results of the patent of the colleges will be communicated between Wednesday 5 and Wednesday 12 July 2023.

The results of the previous year are still available from our map and index of cities. The results of the candidates for the 2023 patent will be available very soon from these tools.

The results of the patent only concern 3rd year students who have been registered for the tests. The lists of admitted students only include college students who have accepted that their surname and first name appear on our pages, as well as on those of the sites publishing these lists.

The patent is scored out of 800 points in total, combining continuous monitoring and end-of-year tests. You need a minimum of 400 points to earn the diploma.

Continuous monitoring is taken into account in the marking, including projects carried out in class, like the EPI (Practical Interdisciplinary Teaching). The evaluation of the common base is done on eight skills, each evaluated in the school report through four levels of points:

  • 10 dots for “insufficient” control
  • 25 dots for a “fragile” mastery
  • 40 dots for a “satisfactory” job
  • 50 dots for a “very good” mastery

If the student has collected 50 points everywhere, he has accumulated the maximum possible for the continuous assessment part of the certificate, ie 400 points (as a reminder, this is half of the total points for the diploma). ► Consult the details of the skills of the common core on the website of the Ministry of Education

The final rounds of the college patent therefore represent “only” half of the total patent scale each year, scored out of 400 points. As a reminder, there are five: the four writings of French, mathematics, history-geography / moral and civic education and sciences, as well as an oral test. This consists of a 15-minute presentation divided into two parts: a 5-minute presentation of a project worked on during the year and a 10-minute interview with the jury. The project presented was worked on during the interdisciplinary practical lessons or the third-year internship in a company.

The three mentions of the college patent correspond to the levels of points obtained beyond the average of 400 points out of 800:

  • Mention quite well : more than 480 points
  • Mention GOOD : more than 560 points
  • Mention Alright : more than 640 points

Mentions “regional language”, “college series, international option” and “Franco-German option” also exist. More information about this on the Onisep websitethe National Office for Information on Education and Professions, a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education.
