Restrictive measures have begun for the unvaccinated in Italy! They will pay

Restrictive measures have begun for the unvaccinated in Italy They

In Italy, additional restrictive measures for the unvaccinated came into effect. According to the previous decisions of the government, the “Normal Green Pass” document, which certifies that the Kovid-19 vaccine has been taken, or the Kovid-19 has been overcome recently, or the test result with a negative result in the last 48 hours, to enter stores, public offices, post offices, starting today. will be needed.


Again, as of today, fines have come into effect for those over the age of 50 who have not been vaccinated yet. Accordingly, a one-time fine of 100 euros will be imposed on people over the age of 50 who have not been vaccinated without a valid reason. In addition, people aged 50 and over will have to show this document at the entrance to their workplaces as of February 15.


On the other hand, the coverage period of the “Green Pass” certificate for those who have at least double dose vaccination was reduced from 9 months to 6 months.

In the meantime, only those who have been vaccinated or for a short period of time are allowed to enter public transport, train, ship, domestic flight, cafe-bar, hotel, restaurant (including outdoor areas), swimming pools, gyms and other social activities. It will continue to be mandatory to show the “Super Green Pass” document, which is available to those who have had Kovid-19 before.

For places where basic needs such as pharmacies and supermarkets are provided and police stations, “Normal Green Pass” or “Super Green Pass Certificate” will not be required in any way.

According to the news reflected in the Italian press, the obligation to wear masks in the open air throughout the country has been extended until February 10. Likewise, discotheques and ballrooms will remain closed until this date.


With the decision taken by the government, the measures for those coming to Italy from the European Union (EU) countries have been softened as of today. Accordingly, people from EU countries will be able to travel to Italy by showing a “Normal Green Pass” certificate. With this regulation, put into practice on 14 December; The test submission with a negative result and the 5-day quarantine requirement for those coming from the EU have been removed.

In addition, Turkey has been included among the places in the “Kovid-19-free tourism corridor” program that Italy has been implementing since September 2021. Thus, Italians, who were not allowed to go to Turkey for tourism purposes, were allowed to travel to Turkey with tours they bought from tour operators.


According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 133 thousand 142 people were diagnosed with Kovid-19 in 1 million 246 thousand 987 tests conducted in the last 24 hours in the country. Thus, the total number of cases since February 2020, when the epidemic started, has reached 11 million 116 thousand 422.

The number of people who lost their lives from the virus in the last 24 hours increased by 427 to 146 thousand 925.

The ratio of those vaccinated in Italy to the population over the age of 12 was 87.7 percent. 33 million 512 thousand 79 reminder doses were administered in the third dose vaccination, which started on September 20, 2021 in the country. (AA)
