Restrictions on the import of fish products, Tokyo presents a complaint to the G20

Restrictions on the import of fish products Tokyo presents a

(Finance) – A few hours after the discussed (to say the least) spill in the Pacific Ocean of treated water Fukushima plant, the levels of radioactivity found in seawater samples are within the norm. He assures it Tepco, Lto the company that manages the operation, after the first “rapid” tests carried out yesterday afternoon which confirmed “that the value analyzed is less than 1,500 becquerels per litre”. Becquerels per liter are a measure of radioactivity whose safety limit is set at 60,000.

“We will continue to conduct analyzes every day for the next month and beyond: By providing quick and easy-to-understand explanations, we hope to allay various concerns,” the company spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Japan filed a complaint with China at a G20 Group meeting after Beijing imposed a blanket ban on Japanese seafood imports. Measure immediately adopted by the Chinese customs authorities precisely in response to the release of treated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs communicated this to the local media, Kenji Yamada, confirming that he had formalized the protest during the meeting of G20 trade and investment ministers in the Indian city of Jaipur.

Meanwhile, from a Coldiretti analysis of Istat data in 2022, it emerges that they have arrived in Italy over 123 thousand kilos of fish from Japan in a year equal to less than 0.02% of the total of important fish products from all over the world.

In reality – underlines Coldiretti – the quantities increase if we consider the imports of all the countries that fish in the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan also because Italy is heavily dependent on foreign countries pfor fish products. The alarm coming from Japan – continues Coldiretti – highlights the importance of safeguarding the national fish stock in a situation in which over 80% of the fresh fish consumed in Italy comes from abroad.
