restrictions and controls multiply

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In France, while 93 departments have been affected by a drought alert since August 2, controls on water restrictions are reaching record levels.

4,000 checks have already been carried out across the country by the French office for biodiversity (OFB) with the water police. The goal? Enforce the restrictions on water consumption imposed on the population because of the drought that is affecting the country.

In general, it’s done in a fairly visual way, someone washing their car, irrigating or watering when it’s not allowed, whether it’s on a farm or a municipal stadium, etc., this kind of thing is quite visible so there is no irruption in private properties, but rather there are observations and as soon as there is observation of an infringement, there can be a procedure drawn up “, explains to RFI Loïc Obled in charge of the police, knowledge and expertise and knowledge at the OFB.

In the event of an infringement, the sanction can range from a simple reminder of the law to a 5th class fine, which can reach 1,500 euros. But the idea, it is rather to raise awareness first “, according to Mr. Obled. It’s necessary ” warn, make the regulations understood, explain the issues and then, effectively, carry out checks “. About 200 procedures have been initiated since the start of the season, he adds.

4,000 checks since the start of the summer, 400 in 2021

Compared to last year, the number of controls has been multiplied by 10. And to cope with this increased workload, the environmental police are targeting priority sectors. ” There are territories in which there is pressure on water with the industrial sector, sometimes with the tourist sector, sometimes with the agricultural sector, and it is according to each of these territorial specificities that the prefect defines the obviously prioritization of uses, and therefore the restrictions “, details Loïc Obled.

The strategy is therefore adapted to each territory but in general, throughout France, the personal consumption of drinking water for health or food needs is authorized. The other priority is agriculture and ” feed and water livestock “. Other uses can therefore be made more difficult but ” they have to make do with a little less water “, according to the member of the OFB. ” This balance is very difficult to find and it is done on a case-by-case basis, each prefect decides according to the territorial issues. “, he concludes.


Depending on the level of alert of the department, the prefects can take various measures. The least restrictions are limits on water consumption, but in the most affected departments, the level of drought can lead to stricter decisions such as a total ban on watering your garden, filling a swimming pool or even to wash his car. The closure of public fountains or water withdrawals for agricultural purposes can also be decided. Faced with a severe drought, everything is good to save water.

Read also : the tensions caused by water shortages in France can also be read in the review of the press review of this Thursday
