Responsible for 1 out of every 6 deaths… Here are the scientific facts!

Responsible for 1 out of every 6 deaths… Here are

Acıbadem Maslak Hospital Medical Oncology Specialist Prof. Dr. Gökhan Demir pointed out that many types of cancer can be treated or kept under control for years thanks to groundbreaking developments in the medical world. However, some erroneous information, which is thought to be correct in the society, can cause patients to delay regular screenings and apply to the doctor late. Delayed diagnosis may also result in the progression of the cancer, thus ineffective treatment. Medical Oncology Specialist Prof. Dr. Gökhan Demir talked about 10 erroneous information about cancer that is believed to be true in society; made important suggestions and warnings!

FALSE: Cancer is an incurable disease. Therefore, there is nothing I can do to prevent cancer!

FACT: Cigarette and tobacco use, obesity, low fruit and vegetable consumption, low physical activity and alcohol consumption are the 5 most important modifiable risk factors for cancer. Medical Oncology Specialist Prof. Dr. Gökhan Demir states that 1 out of every 3 cancer cases can be prevented by eliminating these factors and continues: “The most important risk factor for cancer is smoking and tobacco use. By not consuming these products, 1 out of every 4 cancer-related deaths can be prevented. In addition, various infectious agents are responsible for 25 percent of deaths caused by cancer. When vaccination against human papilloma virus and hepatitis B virus is made, it is possible to prevent some types of cancer that will develop.

FALSE: I have no problems. Why would I get screened for cancer?

FACT: Cancer screening is done in healthy individuals without any symptoms. The most common in the world and in our country; There are screening programs for all breast, prostate, lung and colorectal and cervical cancers. With regular screening, some of these cancers can be prevented, while others can be detected early.

FALSE: Men do not develop breast cancer!

FACT: As in Western societies, 1 out of every 8-10 women in our country is diagnosed with breast cancer during her lifetime. prof. Dr. Gökhan Demir warned that although it is much rarer than women, breast cancer is also seen in men, and said, “Male breast cancer is typically diagnosed at more advanced stages than female breast cancer. “This is probably because of the lack of awareness that men can develop breast cancer and the lack of routine screening examinations,” she says.


FALSE: Breast cancer does not develop during pregnancy or breastfeeding!

FACT: Although relatively rare, 1 in 5 breast cancers is associated with pregnancy in women under the age of 30. Medical Oncology Specialist Prof. Dr. Gökhan Demir states that most of these patients have hereditary mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, and says: “If there is a person diagnosed with breast cancer, especially at a young age, in more than one first-degree relative in the family, it should be considered that genetically transmitted breast and gynecological cancer syndromes should also be considered and screening should be done accordingly. needs to be planned accordingly. For example, some women at high risk of breast cancer who have certain genes, such as the BRCA genes that increase the risk of breast cancer, should start screening programs before age 40.


FALSE: Cancer cannot be the cause of my complaints because I quit smoking years ago!

FACT: A very high rate of 85-90% of lung cancers, which ranks first in cancer-related deaths, develops due to smoking. prof. Dr. Gökhan Demir said, “The majority of lung cancers in non-smokers are associated with exposure to environmental smoke. The risk of lung cancer does not decrease for many years after quitting smoking. Therefore, even if the habit of smoking has been stopped a while ago, he should consult a doctor as soon as possible in case of various complaints such as shortness of breath and bloody sputum, especially a new-onset cough.

FALSE: I’m in good health, I don’t need a colonoscopy!

FACT: Colon cancer is a disease that can be prevented by regular colonoscopy. Moreover, if polyps, which are precursors to cancer, are detected during colonoscopy, they can be removed immediately during the procedure, and thus, colon cancer that may develop later can be largely prevented. In addition, if the cancer has developed, it can be completely cured by catching it at an early stage. Therefore, it is recommended that every adult over the age of 45 should have a colonoscopy for screening, even if they have no complaints or risk factors. If the first colonoscopy is considered normal, repeating it every 10 years is sufficient. As in other cancers, the age and frequency of starting colonoscopy may vary in groups with higher than average risk.

FALSE: My hemorrhoids are bleeding!

FACT: Colon or rectal cancer can be the cause of problems such as changes in bowel habits, recurrent diarrhea or constipation, pain and bleeding during defecation, thinning of stool calibration, bloating, abdominal pain and weight loss, iron deficiency or anemia. Therefore, in such complaints, it is vital to consult a doctor without wasting time, not thinking that they are caused by hemorrhoids.

FALSE: Cancer is an incurable disease!

FACT: Contrary to popular belief, many types of cancer can be cured thanks to the giant strides taken in the medical world. Even in some types or advanced stages, where the treatment cannot be fully provided, cancer can now be turned into a chronic disease and kept under control for years. Medical Oncology Specialist Prof. Dr. Emphasizing that a new era has been opened in oncology thanks to smart molecules, biological treatments and immunotherapies, Gökhan Demir said, “Today, we know that each tumor has different genetic characteristics. As the genetic secret of the cancer cell is solved, our chances in cancer treatment increase. Thanks to individual and tumor-specific approaches, cancer will be a disease that can be controlled much more effectively in the future.”
