resilience, the French economy and the candidate Emmanuel Macron

The economic consequences of the war in Ukraine are hitting a part of Europe hard, especially France where gasoline prices are soaring. Emmanuel Macron has promised aid to support the most affected sectors. This “resilience plan” – as the Head of State calls it – is presented this Wednesday, March 16 by Prime Minister Jean Castex. At 25 days from the 1st round of the presidential election, the president-candidate wants to reassure the French,

If the executive assures that the “whatever the cost” of the health crisis is not in order, Jean Castex is ready to loosen the purse strings once again.

Fishermen, farmers, truck drivers, industrial sectors: the government is aiming broadly and could reactivate devices used during the pandemic: the return to partial unemployment or the extension of loans guaranteed by the State would be considered.

► To read also: Rise in fuel prices: French oil depots in Lorient and Brest blocked

Do everything to lower the pressure on the wallets of the French. And also a way to clear the ground for candidate Macron. He presents this Thursday, March 17 his program in front of the press before leaving for Pau to meet the French.

In the middle of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron does not want to let the opposition use the theme of purchasing power against him.

Marine Le Pen, the first, made it the thread of her campaign and the candidate of the National Rally will continue to play on this ground. This weekend, she will be with farmers in Burgundy.

► To listen too : March 15, 2022 – The Gasoline Empire

All of our daily, live coverage of the war in Ukraine.
