resignation of the Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons

resignation of the Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons

4 mins

Mess in the bedroom », headline on the front page Toronto Starwho publishes the same photo as the Globe and Mail : that of Anthony Rota descending the stairs which leads to the Chamber. The president no longer had a choice, after having “ been abandoned by all parties in Ottawa », specifies the daily The Presswho continues: “ the political and diplomatic storm that he triggered by inviting a former Nazi soldier to the speech of Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, will have got the better of him “.

The very unusual circumstances of this resignation, specifies the Globe and Mail« caused a moment of embarrassment for the parliamentarians, because everyone present during the Ukrainian president’s speech gave Yaraslov Hunka two standing ovations “. The Speaker of the House had just presented him as a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero, recalls The duty – he did not know about his Nazi past. Anthony Rota, in announcing his resignation, expressed his “ deep regret “.

Today, voices are being heard calling for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to also apologize, reports the Toronto Star. The leader of the conservatives, Pierre Poilièvre, thus blamed “ the failure of its diplomatic and intelligence apparatus to verify who this Nazi was and prevent tributes to him », reports the Globe and Mail. In any case, Justin Trudeau must pick up the pieces, that’s his role, believes the English-speaking daily in its editorial. Because ” the Trudeau government will bear the brunt of this blunder on the international stage “, judge The duty : “ Russia has already made its mark on the affair, giving moral and history lessons to Canada for failing in its duty of memory in the face of the Holocaust and fascism “.

Read alsoCanada: resignation of the president of Parliament after tribute to an ex-Nazi during Zelensky’s visit

New gang attack in Haiti

In Haiti, after the two attacks suffered in a few days by the town of Saut-d’eau, yesterday, it was the town of Mirebalais, still in the Center department, which was attacked. “ The gunmen of Canaan and Titanyen have continued to show their power over the past weekend “, writing Juno 7 : “ thugs invaded the town of Mirebalais very early this Tuesday, creating panic among the population. » And the university hospital was the target of the bandits, reports Gazette Haitii : they have ” based on this space, renowned for the quality of its care and the quantity of patients received on a daily basis “. “ Bullets pierced the on-call room and the radiology “, declared a citizen who filmed the actions of these individuals, reports Juno 7. An attack condemned by the Zamni Lasante care association and by the university hospital, who speak of an attack “ flouting the essential principles of hospital neutrality “.

Who for a multinational force?

The composition of a possible multinational force deployed in Haiti to fight armed gangs is becoming clearer, according to the Miami Herald. According to the daily’s diplomatic sources – no official confirmation at the moment – at least a dozen countries have told the United States that they are ready to ” contribute to the mission, by donating money, equipment or men “. The Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda had already expressed their intention to participate in the mission which Kenya offered to lead. Other countries: Italy, Spain, Mongolia, Senegal, Belize, Suriname, Guatemala and Peru. Rwanda has also discussed sending up to 500 men, according to a daily source.

Read alsoHaiti: an international force is emerging, but not fast enough for the interim government

Legal setback for Donald Trump

In the United States, New York judge Arthur F. Engoron declared on Tuesday that Donald Trump was guilty of fraud by inflating the value of his assets. And the judge now prohibits his company from conducting business in New York, reports the Washington Post.

This judgment, explains the New York Timesis a major victory for New York State Attorney General Letitia James, who according to the judge has proven the truth of what constitutes the basis of her civil suit against Donald Trump: she accuses him of having sought to obtain lower taxes and better insurance coverage by falsely increasing and lowering the value of its assets, recalls The Hill. Letitia James seeks $250 million in penalties. The trial is scheduled to start next Monday.

Read alsoNew York judge finds Trump responsible for “repeated” financial “frauds”

A Super El Nino for this winter?

El Nino, this climatic phenomenon associated with scorching temperatures worldwide, could be this winter the most intense ever observed, in any case reaching the historic level of 1997-1998, according to a study by the National Center for Atmospheric Research taken up by the Washington Post. According to a new forecasting system, it could become a “ Super El Nino “, already associated across the world in the past with deadly fires, droughts, heat waves, floods and torrents of mud.

Also listenDecryption: climate: the return of El Nino?
