Resign and receive unemployment, it will be easier from this date

Resign and receive unemployment it will be easier from this

A relaxation of a rule for receiving unemployment will come into force.

That’s it, summer is just around the corner, winter and spring have been long, your job doesn’t excite you… It’s decided: there’s no question of getting back to this pace in September, you go and resign. Many French people are overcome by this desire to throw everything away as the summer holidays approach. Yes, but here we are, desires very often clash with reality. What about financial resources in the event of resignation? The budgetary question is obviously central at these times because if you leave a company yourself, it is not possible to receive unemployment. Well almost…

The principle of unemployment is simple: it involves paying an allowance to any employee who has lost their job involuntarily. Exit those who have chosen to leave their position! But in some cases, unemployment can still be affected. And despite the upcoming reform which will tighten the conditions of access to this system, a relaxation will be implemented to make it easier to receive unemployment even after resignation.


In France, it is possible to leave your job and become unemployed if you resigned in order to start your own business. However, the rules in force restricted the number of eligible people, the main criterion being having worked continuously for the last five years. This will be relaxed in the upcoming reform.

According to the draft text consulted by Le Figaro, you will now have to have worked for five years in the last six years to be eligible for this system. This should make it possible to increase the number of eligible people, the idea being to encourage entrepreneurship.

With this system, resigning employees who create a business and who are eligible for unemployment receive 70% of the gross monthly remuneration from the last employment contract for 6 to 18 months (or 22 or 27 for those aged 53 and over). This allowance therefore allows you to have an income while launching your activity, which does not always allow you to quickly generate money to be able to pay yourself.

As with the entire unemployment reform, this relaxation should come into force from 1er December 2024. This is in any case the deadline announced by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.
