(Finance) – In the third quarter 2024 for the Real estate agents Fimaa – Italian Federation of Business Agents, adhering to Confcommercio-Imprese for Italy – Interviewees The housing sale market is characterized by a stabilization of the number of exchanges, demand for purchase and purchase prices. The offer is perceived in reduction for 50% of the judgments collected. The photography of the sentiment of the residential real estate market, referred to the final of the third quarter 2024 and forecasts for the first quarter 2025, created by the Fimaa Study Office – coordinated by Andrea Oliva – highlights a still stable market, and which should be attested on the same levels even in the coming months. The responses on the investigation, provided by FIMAA detectors, have made it possible to trace a significant conventurers of the market also of the next quarter. In the first quarter of 2025 there is an increase in the number of exchanges (69.3% of judgments) with average stable sales prices (76.5% share).
The orientation of operators on the market in the next 4 months It provides for a general rise in prices and the number of purchase and sale respectively for 18.3 and 8.8% of the interpellations. Among the factors that could push the sales, especially the slowdown of interest rates on mortgages (56.9%, was 52.3%in the previous quarter), but also the opportunities to invest in short leases (18.3%).
Factors such as the high cost of renovations (26.3%) and the impact of salary inflation (20.1%) are showing the first problematic effects, With slowdowns also in the improvement of the sales guaranteed by the State (young people under 36): just remember that the Eurirs at 25 has grown, since the beginning of February, in two months of 2 percentage points. Follow the narrow on the building bonuses (12.7%) and concerns for regulatory and regulatory aspects with 12.1%. In this case, 13% of responses concern the economy tout court, while 3.6% concern perplexity on the holding the employment system and finally 1.7% the bad distribution of income.
The lease market – In the first nine months of 2024, the number of homes led to Italy was 641,070, which dropped by 1.1% compared to the same period of the previous year. In the last quarter 2024, according to what 73.1% of the judgments collected by the real estate agents Fimaa found, the application recorded a further strengthening, while the offer for 61.8% of the interpellations underwent a contraction. The lease contracts stipulated attest to the same levels as the previous quarter (50.8%, but 39.1% say there was a contraction). For rent, however, 72.7% of the interpellated ones believe there was an increase. The forecasts for the first quarter of 2025, in the opinion of most of the operators Fimaa interpeered, the lease market continues to be affected by the scarce offer of properties. The owners prefer to keep the property with the moment that they feel not very protected and fear the possibility of the eviction process. They are also worried about the high management costs and high taxation. The demand for leased homes – according to the majority of operators FIMAA interviewed – will record a further increase compared to the previous quarter. The majority of expectations on the number of new lease contracts are aimed at a reconfirmation of the variations had in the previous quarter, with a short -term trend that remains the falling from the third quarter 2022. As for the rental fees, the expectations formulated by the real estate agents Fimaa are still aimed at the increase.
“Factors such as the high cost of renovations (26.3%) and the impact of salary inflation (20.1%) are showing the first problematic effects also in the face of the greatest difficulties in accessing credit – he says Santino Taverna President of Fimaa Italy -. Having excluded from the Consap Guarantee Fund The over 36 for the granting of mortgages is causing problems, and the contraction of the number of real estate sales. The Eurirs at 25 years of age has grown in two months of 2 percentage points, and the strict on the building bonuses (12.7%) raises concerns also for the regulatory and regulatory aspects with 12.1%”.
“In the first nine months of 2024, the number of homes leased in Italy was 641,070, which dropped by 1.1% compared to the same period of the previous year – he says Andrea Oliva Coordinator of the Fimaa Italy Study Office -. In the last quarter 2024, according to what 73.1% of the judgments collected by the real estate agents Fimaa found, the application recorded a further strengthening, while the offer for 61.8% of the interpellations underwent a contraction “.
(Photo: Gino Crescoli / Pixabay)