Resident in northern Israel: “War does not solve the core issues”

SVT Nyheter has visited the Israeli Kibbutz Malkia, which is located just over 100 meters from Lebanon.

Shaked Rogel, who lives in the area, tells how he heard the sound of a rocket hitting nearby, while he was unpacking his grocery bags from the car.

War between Israel and Hamas

  • Concerns grow – then the spark can become full-scale war

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  • – It’s the scariest sound in the world, he says.

    The terrorist-branded Shia militia Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel have been shelling each other across the border on a daily basis since the war in Gaza intensified.

    Only about 20 people left in the kibbutz

    Before October 7, around 500 people lived in Kibbutz Malkia, now only about 20 remain.

    One of them, Doron Meir, says he does not want to see a war. But he believes above all that the situation must change.

    – Whether it is military, through escalated violence, or in a peaceful way – something has to happen, he says.

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    A drone film, troop movements and psychological warfare – SVT’s foreign reporter Stina Blomgren on the escalation between Israel and Hezbollah. Photo: SVT/AP
