Resident Evil, comedy for Brooklyn Nine Nine fans and more

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

If you want to accommodate one or the other cooling series binge in the summer heat, you have a huge selection in front of you this month. Because more than 100 new series seasons celebrate their premiere in July. But don’t worry: we’ll help you keep track of which series restarts are coming up Netflix, Disney+, Amazon and more really worth it.

We have again browsed through the start lists of the local streaming services for you and a practical list of the 20 most important series highlights of the month compiled. In addition to Netflix series blockbusters like Resident Evil and the Stranger Things 4 finale, there are also some exciting series gems to be discovered in July that you might not have had on your radar.

The 20 most important new series starts on Netflix, Amazon and more in the podcast

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How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris is on Netflix in a new one in July Comedy series from Emily in Paris creators to see Darren Star. In addition, Lost fans of the first 3 seasons of the Manifesto mystery series invited to the binge marathon. The defunct NBC series has been revived by the streaming giant and will be getting a fourth season later this year. We present these and other series highlights of the month in more detail in the podcast.

A special highlight in July is the new Abbott Elementary series, which is finally starting in Germany on Disney+. this is the best workplace comedy since Brooklyn Nine-Nine and has already inspired critics and audiences in the USA.

Netflix unleashes the zombie apocalypse with Resident Evil:

Resident Evil – S01 Teaser Trailer (German) HD

Stream browsing: Your Moviepilot podcast on the best streamed series and films

If you like the stream browsing episode, you can simply at Spotify and your trusted podcast app subscribe to. And we are especially happy about your rating and a comment on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podcast Addict.

Stream rummage, the Moviepilot podcast, is sponsored by MagentaTV, but this does not change anything for you in terms of content. MagentaTV is Telekom’s TV and streaming service, which bundles television in HD quality and streaming on one platform. Here you can conveniently use the entire entertainment program via a user interface.

New on MagentaTV in July: Better Things Season 5:

Better Things – S05 Trailer (English) HD

Also included: Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, RTL+, DAZN, media libraries and your own MagentaTV mega library with a unique selection of originals and exclusives and international top series: The MagentaTV Originals include, for example, the German series highlight Oh Hell and the MagentaTV Exclusives include the award-winning series The Handmaid’s Tale.

MagentaTV is also available independently of the Internet provider as an app or stick, in connection with streaming services at an attractive discount price – can be flexibly canceled on a monthly basis. All further information about MagentaTV can be found here.

Which series are you most looking forward to in July?
