Researchers: Young children should not sit with screens

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The research group writes that Sweden is the only country in the world that has enrolled in the curriculum that preschool children should work with digital tools. That decision was made without medical consultation and impact assessment. The authors of the article see risks with the lack of clear guidelines for how preschools should be digitized.

A child’s first two years are a sensitive period when the basic functions of the brain are developed, the researchers write. Then it is difficult for the child to translate what they see on a screen into knowledge. The youngest learn better if they interact with other people. There is also a link between a high use of digital media and poorer language development.

The World Health Organization has a recommendation that children under the age of two should not use screens. Norway has recently joined the countries that support it, the researchers write.

Sweden has no recommendations regarding restrictions on the use of digital media for young children.
