Researchers plan a peak of stroke in the coming days, especially among those over 65

Researchers plan a peak of stroke in the coming days

“It is better to listen to our body”.

The transition to summer time is tonight. Sunday, March 30, at 2 a.m., it will be 3 hours. We gain an hour of light but also lose an hour of sleep. This time change disrupts the circadian pace. Finnish scientists have studied its impact on the risk of the most frequent stroke (stroke) namely the ischemic stroke, caused by a clot blocking blood flow in the brain. Their results are unexpected.

The researchers examined a decade of data on stroke in Finland. They compared stroke rates in more than 3,000 people hospitalized during the week following the summer time to that of a cohort of more than 11,000 subjects, hospitalized 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the time change. According to the results published in the journal “Neurology” “The schedule transitions modify the diurnal variation scheme of the appearance of stroke”. The time change could thus shift the time of occurrence of strokes during the day. Some people seem more vulnerable to this phenomenon. Those with cancer presented a 25% higher risk of stroke after going to summer time as well as people over 65 who were 20% more risk.

A peak of AVC was observed a specific day. “Summer time transitions are associated with an increased incidence of ischemic stroke during the first two days of transitions”either Monday and Tuesday according to the researchers. The overall rate of stroke was more than 8%. No difference was observed after these 2 days. Researchers are reassuring: “Deaths at the hospital due to a stroke did not increase during the week following the passage to summer time. “

The day after the time change, “It is better to listen to our body and lie down when we feel fatigue, even if it is not always easy with professional or family constraints“, advised us Dr Catherine Lamblin, sleep doctor in a previous article. It is also advisable to go to bed slightly earlier the week following the time to help the organism to regulate himself.
