Researchers: Is there physical measurable evidence for rehabilitation needs after covid-19

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The study has followed all patients who were hospitalized during the first pandemic wave in spring 2020.

– There is no doubt that a significant percentage of the hospitalized patients had significant residual problems, says Professor Richard Levi.

Small scattered dots in the brain

The researchers have asked the patients various questions, but also carried out extensive testing in a number of different areas. And in the study, several clear measurable evidences have been found to substantiate the symptoms that the patients describe, for example through brain X-rays.

– The typical thing is that it is like small scattered dots in the transition between the gray and white matter in the brain, says Richard Levi.

– With our results, we can prove that the majority of patients have clear, measurable and quantifiable symptoms, says Wolfram Antepohl, chief physician at the rehabilitation medicine clinic.

Problems in seven different areas

The study also shows that patients can experience symptoms in a number of different areas. The researchers have divided it into seven areas, to facilitate future examinations of patients: vision, cognition, fatigue, swallowing, voice, sensorimotor problems, anxiety/depression.

– Some have very poor fitness, some may experience heart palpitations and a feeling of fainting. Others have vision problems, problems with muscle pain, tingling in different parts of the body, and so on, says Richard Levi.

Real and measurable symptoms

The researchers believe that this could be of great importance for this patient group, as it has been questioned whether all symptoms can really be linked to covid-19.

– Our opinion is that the majority have real and objectifiable symptoms that can be measured and put numbers on, says Wolfram Antepohl.
