researchers discover new effects on the brain

researchers discover new effects on the brain

Coffee is a go-to beverage for many people. But did you know that researchers have discovered surprising effects on our brain linked to this daily habit?

In a study conducted by researchers from the University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) Basel and the University of Basel, 20 young and healthy participants who were regular coffee drinkers were studied. For two ten-day periods, they took tablets with caffeine or no active effect and avoided further caffeine intake.

At the end of each ten-day period, participants’ gray matter volume was measured by brain scans. In addition, their sleep quality was assessed in a sleep laboratory.

Gray matter, which is part of the central nervous system and found in the brain and spinal cord, is responsible for essential functions such as motor processes, motivation and psychological performance.

The results are amazing: caffeine consumption did not affect sleep, but it did impact gray matter. After ten days of caffeine abstinence, gray matter volume was greater than when participants took caffeine tablets. The biggest change was seen in the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory.

However, after just ten days of stopping caffeine, gray matter regenerated in the participants. “Our results do not necessarily mean that the consumption of caffeine has negative effects on the brain”, emphasizes Dr. Carolin Reichert, co-director of the research team at UPK Basel. But daily caffeine consumption appears to alter cognitive performance, which warrants further study.

These results do not mean that coffee is inherently harmful to humans. In fact, people who regularly drink coffee have a lower risk of early mortality. Nevertheless, it is recommended to consume coffee in moderation, especially for people with hypertension. So, take your coffee, but sparingly!

So, what should you take away from this study?

First, it is important to point out that coffee is not inherently bad for our health. On the contrary, previous studies have shown that coffee consumption can have beneficial effects on our health, such as reducing the risk of early mortality.

However, this new study shows that regular caffeine consumption can have an impact on the gray matter of our brain, an area crucial for many functions, including memory. Although the changes seen in this study were temporary and reversible, it raises some interesting questions about the long-term effects of caffeine consumption on our brains.

The researchers pointed out that these results do not mean that consuming caffeine necessarily has negative effects on our brains. Nevertheless, it deserves to be studied in more detail to better understand how caffeine can affect our brain and our cognitive performance.

In the meantime, it’s wise to consume coffee and other caffeine sources in moderation. People sensitive to caffeine or suffering from certain medical conditions, such as hypertension, should be especially careful in their consumption.

In summary, enjoy your morning coffee, but keep in mind that moderation is key. And who knows, maybe future research will teach us even more about the mysteries of coffee and caffeine on our brains!
